標題: 台灣物流業環境與廠商條件影響經營策略之研究
An Empirical Study of Effects of Business Environment and Background on Firm's Strategy in Taiwan Logistics Industry
作者: 黃玄旻
Hwang, Shyuan Min
姜 齊
Chi Chiang
關鍵字: 環境;策略;策略群組;物流;Environment;Strategy;Strategic Group;Logistics
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 近幾年來,世界零售業通路轉變成複雜而多樣化,銷售點也變成密集 而龐大,商品配銷次數因而隨之頻繁,這些轉變,創造了物流業發展的契 機。而對於企業而言,Peter F. Drucker 在1962年也提出物流成本的降 低,是企業提昇競爭力的最後一塊土地。 台灣目前已成為消費市場導 向的社會經濟型態,對於物流的需求更是與日遽增,但我國物流業發展迄 今不過短短八年,尚屬成長中的產業,因此仍有許多發展上的隱憂值得注 意。對於物流業經營影響最大的,首重經營策略,而在制訂經營策略時, 經營者必須評估市場需求與導向,和本身的資源與能力,方能研定明確且 靈活的經營策略,尤其經營策略攸關企業成敗,不可不慎。所以,本研究 除了對物流業者的經營策略型態作實證分析外,另以面臨環境與廠商本身 所具備的條件兩方面,去探討對經營策略的影響,希冀研究成果能對目前 台灣物流業廠商在經營管理方面有所幫助。 本研究依據國內外有關物 流的理論,建立研究架構與設計問卷,對國內物流業者進行問卷調查。在 環境部份,將管理者對環境的認知分為四種特質:寬厚性、動盪性、異質 性、敵對性;在廠商本身具備的條件方面,分為投資者業別、運輸管理能 力、倉儲配送能力。經過資料分析後,所得結論大體為:台灣物流業者的 經營策略型態大致可分為四種,採行不同經營策略型態的廠商其對於環境 特質的認知程度有也所不同(除了環境的異質性例外),顯示出認知的環 境特質(寬厚性、動盪性、敵對性)對於經營策略是有影響的。而在廠商 自身方面,研究也發現不同經營策略型態的廠商其主要投資者業別也有所 不同,表示不同的投資者所成立的物流公司,會採取不同的經營策略,來 達到競爭優勢;至於運輸管理能力與倉儲配送能力,分析結果則是與物流 業廠商的經營策略無關。 In recent years, retail industry's channels have turned to complexity and variety. The points of sale also have become intensity and huge. Then times of product distribution is converted to frequency. These changes cause the development of logistics industry. Firms have recognized the value-added role of logistics that can help to differentiate a product in the marketplace and effectively lower the cost of doing business for both buyer and seller. Now social economics type is consumer- oriented in Taiwan. The demand for distribution is more important. Because domestic logistics business is infant industry, there are many potential defects that are deserved to attend. A firm's strategies are the most central in business logistics management. When making the strategies, firm's manager must evaluate the demand and orientation of market and the firm' s resource and ability. Therefore besides analyzing the strategy types of logistics empirically, the objective of this study is to discuss that how to effect the strategies from the aspects of environmental attributes and firm's background in Taiwan logistics industry. Hoping the results of study could be helpful to administration for Taiwan logistics firms. This study constructed the study structure and designed the questionnaire based on theory related logistics. Concerning environment, four environmental attributes that manager cognize were used in this study. They were munificence, dynamism, heterogeneity and hostility. In firm's background, the study used investor's business, ability of transport management and ability of distribution. After data analyzing, the main results are four strategic groups existed in Taiwan logistics industry, and each group has difference in environmental attributes (except heterogeneity) and investor's business. These show that the environmental attributes cognized by manager and investor's business effect the strategies in Taiwan logistics industry.