標題: 台灣光資訊產業競爭力研究---以影像掃描器大廠為例
A competitiveness study for Taiwan's opto-electronics information industry --- The case study for large scanner firms
作者: 劉勇呈
Liu, Yung-Cheng
Po-Young Chu
關鍵字: 光資訊;競爭力;opto-electronics information;competitiveness
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 摘 要 光資訊產業概指應用光電技 術之電腦週邊設備產業,依功能可概分為光輸出、光輸入及光儲存等光資 訊設備。主要的產品有傳真機、影像掃描器、電子照相機、光碟機及印表 機等。根據光電所ITIS報導資料顯示,世界光資訊產品產值佔光電工業總 產值比例達45% ,可見其市場潛力雄厚,據估到公元2000年,全世界光資 訊產品之市場產值將達1000億美元。我國光資訊在光電工業之比重正逐年 快速提昇,由1985年之3.4% ,1990年之19.4% ,至1996年的42% , 在1996年我國光資訊產值已超過新台幣447億元。預計我國光資訊產業未 來在我國光電工業結構上的比重將逐年增加,進而佔有舉足輕重之地位。 許多學者如Porter,Ghemawat,Rumelt,Schendel 與 Teece等均指出, 策略研究的主要努力方向在於解釋並預測組織之間的績效差異。企業的績 效主要是以獲利潛能(競爭力)來表示,因此台灣廠商如何根據本身已有的 要素與條件,採行何種適合的策略,以便在國際競爭激烈的產品市場上提 高競爭力呢? 本研究之結果可歸納如下: 在低階的Scanner方面 競爭力強,樣本廠商平均每月的產量約19萬台,大約從民國85年就開始生 產此型的Scanner,產量年增率平均約156% ,市場佔有率前三大廠綜合 約60% ,此類的Scanner主要提供給使用者安裝上的方便性及提供給部分 使用者解決的方案。主要的競爭對手是HP及EPSON。預料生產此類型的 Scanner廠商將會增加。從市場佔有率以及產 量年增率來看,獲利將會增 加。而且外國大廠相繼來台尋求OEM,市場佔有率會再提高,產量也會提 高。競爭力主要取決於生產規模、價格、品質水準及行銷通路。 在中 高階的Scanner方面競爭力弱,平均每月的產量約2萬台,大約從民國86年 就開始生產此型的Scanner,產量年增率平均約為87%,市場佔有率前三大 廠綜合約16%,此類的Scanner主要提供給專業使用者滿足其特殊需求,主 要的競爭對手是HP及AGFA,預料生產此類型的Scanner廠商數將會持平。 由於台灣Scanner廠商所生產的中高階Scanner產品,主要分佈在中階產品 ,競爭力主要取決於品質水準。 Abstract An opto-electronics information industry sometimes is generally regarded ascomputer peripherals industry of which opto-electronic technology is applied.According to device's functions, opto-electronics information devices aredivided into 3 categories --- input, output and storage devices respectively.Their main products are Fax, scanner , electronic camera ,CDROM and printer.Based on OES ITIS reports, the percentage of the revenue of opto- electronicsinformation industry to that of opto-electronics industry in the worldis up to 45%. It has very strong market potential. It is predicted thatthe market revenue of the opto- electronics information products in the worldcould reach 100 billion US dollars in 2000. In Taiwan, the ratio of the revenue of opto-electronics information industry over that of opto- electronicsindustry has been increasing rapidly year by year( 3.4% of 1985 , 19.4% of 1990 and 42% of 1996). The revenue of opto-electronics information industry has been over 44.7 billion NT dollars in Taiwan in 1996. It is predicted thatthe industry will continue its growth trend in the future. Many authors such as Porter,Ghemawat,Rumelt,Schendel and Teecel havepointed out that the main purpose of conducting a strategy study is to predict firms' performance differnces and to explore the underlying reasons.A firm's performance mainly represents its competitiveness.Consequently, how Taiwan's firms should formulate their strategiesby levering their limited resources in order to gain competitivenessin the global market? It is worth academic exploration. Primary research results can be summarized as follows. Taiwan's scanner manufacturers are relatively competitive in the low-endmarket. The output per month is about 190 thousand units for each sample firm.This productline has been produced since 1996. The average growth rate of this productline is about 156%. The total market share for the largest three firmsis about 60%. This type scanner mainly provides installation convenience andsome solution alternatives. The main competitors are HP and EPSON. It ispredicted that the number of firms which produce or will produce this typescanner will increase. The profit will increase from the viewpoint of both higher market share and unpressive output growth rate per year. And more OEM/ODM orders placed by overseas leading firms are expected. The competitiveness is mainly determined by the economies of scale , the price, the product quality and the channel. The competitiveness is relatively weak in the medium/high-end scanners. The output per month is about 20 thousand units for each sample firm. This type scanner has been produced since 1997. The average growth rate of output per year is about 87%. The total market share for the largest three firms is about 16%. This type scanner mainly provides professional users with special functionalities/ features. The main competitors are HP and AGFA. It is predicted that the number of firms which produce this type scanner willunchange. Taiwan's firms compete one another mainly in the medium-endscanner. The competitiveness is generally determined by the product quality.