標題: 本國商業銀行競爭策略之研究--以世華銀行為例
Exploring Competitive Strategies of Taiwan Domestic Commercial Banks-- A Case of the United World Chinese Commercial Bank
作者: 陳俊煒
Chen, Jun-Wei
Po-Young Chu
關鍵字: 商業銀行;競爭策略;個案研究;創新;Bank;Competitive Strategies;Case;Innovation
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 以往銀行產業備受法令保護,只要廣設分支機構多,自可占得優勢,享受 超額利潤。然而,經過政府進行一連串金融自由化的措施,不論是銀行設 立的限制、存放款利率的設限,甚至是外商銀行的設立等,已然大幅度的 放寬。在利潤來源上,銀行業所賺取的存、放款利率差距日益縮小;在政 府既定政策--加入世界貿易組織之下,金融國際化致使外國商業銀行的進 駐頻繁。再者,金融法令的放寬,使得間接金融的活絡,使得企業界在融 資方面,有多樣化的選擇。因此,金融業的代表行業--本國商業銀行在法 令未全面開放之際,環境的變化急遽之時,如何進一步尋求競爭利基,是 本研究主要探討的內容。本研究先從銀行經營績效指標與分行數、規模以 及歷史年數來檢視其間的關係,並確認在本國商業銀行,分支機構、歷史 年數、規模此三個因素已非績優的充分條件;其中,世華銀行既非最老的 銀行,亦非最大的銀行,世華銀行的卓越績效績效卻中外共睹。本研究進 而透過深入訪談,以探討其在策略運用上獨特之道。在世華銀行,在在有 其創新之處,例如,在人力資源管理上,最早施行員工入股分紅制度,使 員工的向心力與認同提高;嚴格的內部控管,並實施輪調制度,充分調配 多技能人力資源;在營運方面,世華銀行的異業合作為其創新所在,例如 ,證券商、營建商等,使得世華銀行在舊有銀行佔有原有人脈、規模優勢 之環境下,仍可尋求其生存利基。因此,自由化打破老銀行原有的競爭優 勢之後,面對環境與科技急劇變化下,如何有效策略性地運用資源,以創 新的方式持續尋求競爭利基,是我國不同產業所應深思之重要議題,而世 華銀行的個案實證無異提供一具管理意涵之探討方向。 In Taiwan, the environment of the banking industry has dramatically changed lately as liberalization, internationalization and information automation continue reshaping the whole industry. Consequently many banks cannot sustain their previous competitive advantages. Therefore it becomes more and more important for individual banks to rethink how to effectively lever their core competence to create their unique competitive advantages.Our study has adopted a two-stage design. In the first stage, we conduct the principal component analysis to formulate an index that measures banks' performances aggregately. Then the 25 Taiwan domestic commercial banks are compared with one another from 1992 to 1996 using the aggregate index. The United World Chinese Commercial Bank has been regarded as the most innovative and profitable domestic commercial bank from reports both domestically and abroad. The same ranking result is obtained in our study. In the second stage, we further interview the top managers of the bank to explore what and how they do to make them so outstanding.From the in-depth interview and our empirical study, we can summarize as follows:1. Taiwan's domestic commercial banks compete against one another no longer basing on their size, number of branch office and history alone.2. A bank's capabilities of continuously innovating have determined whether it can sustain its competitiveness over dynamic environmental changes. The United World Chinese Commercial Bank has first adopted innovative human resources management practices such as profit sharing and job rotation which have highly motivated its employees. Strategic and operational innovation have successfully created effective entry barriers and enormous profits via collaboration among different business.3. Dramatic environmental changes caused by liberalization, internationalization and information technology continue reshaping many industries. The adaptation has driven Taiwan's domestic banks to reformulate their business strategies. The similar adaptation process is occurring in many industries globally such as the automobile industry, the telecommunication industry, the information technology industry and so on. From the findings obtained in our study we concluded a firm has to continue creating values via innovating itself in order to survive and prosper.