標題: 結合虛擬實境與機器人之遠端操控系統:介面設計與實驗驗證
VR/Robot Integration: Interface Design and Experiment Verification
作者: 廖原億
Liao, Yuan-Yi
Kuu-Young Young
關鍵字: 虛擬實境;遠端操控;力回饋;virtual reality;teleoperation;force feedback
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 現今,遠端操控系統已被應用於核能電廠與外太空等具有危險性或無法到 達的環境。為了讓操作者能有身處遠端環境的感覺以增進操控,虛擬實境 技術於是被引進到遠端操控系統中。藉由虛擬實境與遠端操控的整合,操 作者不僅可由不同視角來觀察操作環境,同時也能感受到操作過程中的接 觸力。在這篇論文中,我們完成一結合虛擬實境與機器人的遠端操控系統 ,此系統具備3D場景的視覺回饋與力回饋,利用分散式架構( distributed architecture)達成即時(real-time)且真實(realistic )的視覺展現與力回饋。我們也透過幾項實驗來評估系統性能,而人類不 同感官知覺對於遠端操控的影響可以利用我們提出的實驗方法經由分析實 驗工作表現得知。 Nowadays, teleoperation has been employed in the environment that is hazardous or inaccessible for human, such as nuclear powar plant and outer space. To make the operator feel present at the remote environment and enhance the manipulation, virtual reality technology is introduced into the teleoperation system. By integrating virtual reality and the teleoperation system, the operator can not noly view the environment from different viewing angles, but also feel the interaction force during operation. In this thesis, we implement a VR-based telerobotic system, which is equipped with both visual and force feedbacks. The proposed system is implemented using a distributed architecture, and both realistic visual feedback and force reflection are provided in real-time. We also evaluate the system performance through several experiments. The influence of different sensorial channels of human on teleoperation is analyzed by evaluating the task performance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis