Title: 飛機氣動力參數判別
Identification of Aircraft Aerodynamics Parameters
Authors: 鄧京盛
Deng, Jing-Sheng
Yung-Chun Wu
Keywords: 氣動力;參數判別;子空間;映射;aerodynamic;identification;subspace;projection
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 本論文主要是以子空間判別法(Subspace Identification)對AIAA文
獻 中所提供的簡化的飛機縱向飛行線性動態系統在作爬升動作時,對飛
機的 時變參數加以判別,使用的子空間判別有:確定性判別(
Deterministic Identification),遺忘因子法(Forgetting Factor
method)及狀態與輸入 的遞推算法(Recursive method),另亦使用傳統判
別中最基本最典型的遞 推最小平方法(Recursive Least Squares
method)及限定記憶最小平方法 (Fixed Memory Least Squares method)
加以判別比較.期能達成飛行系統 參數的即時判別,提供即時控制使用.
In this thesis we mainly use the subspace method to
identification the parameters of a simplfied and linearized
AIAA dynamic aircraft model. We simulate the situation of
climbing and identify the state-varying aircraft system in
longitudinal direction. We use deterministic identification,
forgetting factor method and state-input recursive method for
subspace identification,and recursive least square estimate,
fixed memory least squares estimate to identify this system.
We expect to achieve the objective for real-time control.
The forgetting factor method and state-input recursive method
developed in this thesis are applicable to state-varying
systems, Besides, we found that if using least squares or
subspace method alone, we may encounter the unidentifiable
results for some input-output data. Hence, if we use both two
methods, we can increase the identifiable regions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis