Title: 低溫蒸氣催化含稻殼灰之水泥漿體性質研究
A Study on the Properties of Rice-Husk-Ash Paste through Low Temperature Steam-injection Process
Authors: 黃寶億
Huang, Pao-Yi
Peng, Yaw-Nan
Keywords: 稻殼灰;鈣矽比;蒸氣催化;乾縮;rick hush ash;calcium-silicon ratio;steam-injection;dry shrinkage
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 本研究係針對添加不同燒結溫度稻殼灰(Rice Husk Ash)之水泥漿體於不同鈣矽比時,探討其常溫及經低溫(65℃、80℃)蒸氣催化後之強度和經 28 天齡其後之發展情形,並對蒸氣催化之效能加以分析,以期了解稻殼灰水泥漿體蒸氣催化較佳之預置期、催化溫度及催化時間。 試驗結果顯示:在一般養護時,適當添加稻殼灰能提高早期強度,但對乾縮並無明顯貢獻,而經蒸氣催化後之漿體乾縮量較一般養護者小。而在蒸氣催化交能方面,蒸氣催化養護前須有適當之預置期,過早給予蒸氣催化對強度發展有不良影響,而較高之蒸氣催化溫度可提高早期強度,但晚期強度將會較低,而經 12 小時催化含稻殼灰之水泥漿體強度雖未能超越一般養護 28 天之試體強度,但其抗壓強度至少皆在 6800psi 以上,且本試驗之水膠比皆使試體之流度值(Flow Test)在 100-115%間,可做為將來水泥預鑄品產製之參考。
The thesis investigates the strength development of paste mixed with different roasted temperature rice husk ash paste and distinct from Calcium-Silicon ratio, through normal temperature curing or low temperature (65℃, 80℃) steam-injection and curing passed 28 days. the effect analysis of the steam-injection in order to understand the better preparing period, steam-injection temperature and time. Experimental results indicted that the normal curing paste mixed with rice husk ash content appropriate can increase the early strength of paste, but the dry shrinkage is not related to the paste mixed with rice husk ash paste. that dry shrinkage of the rice husk ash paste with steam-injection will more decrease than the normal curing paste. The proper preparing period must bedone, otherwise will affect the strength development of paste. High temperature steam-injection can increase the early strength of paste. but the later period strength will be reduce. The strength of paste passed 12 hour steam-injection although can not over take the strength of the pass normal curing 28 days, but the anti-pressure strength of paste still over take 6800psi, and the water-binder ratio of this study can make flow-table value keep in 100-115%, so the result of the research can provide the reference information for the precast production.
Appears in Collections:Thesis