Title: 電腦輔助面貌重塑系統之研究
A Study n computer-Aided Facial Reconstructin in Forensic Medicine
Authors: 簡宏璋
Jean, Hong-Jang
Ke, Hao-Ren
Shih, Zen-Chung
Keywords: 電腦輔助;面貌重塑
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: “面貌重塑”在傳統法醫學界指的是“給定一具磞喪失的無名屍體,透過專業技師,運用僅存的頭骨重建屍體生前面貌”的一項技術。對於面貌喪失的無名屍。除了公布其性別,年紀,身高等初步的資料外,利用面貌重塑技術,發佈可能的面貌照片,長久以來一直是協助警方辨案的重要方法之一。由於運用電腦科技來進行面貌重塑,能提高此項工作的信度與效度,並可以在頭骨數位化後執行許多進階的面貌重塑操作,因此對面貌重塑作業能夠產生加乘性的效果,所以在這幾年來也開始受到重視。 綜觀文獻上的記載,以電腦來進行面貌重塑的工作目前尚未成熟,因此極具研究價值。本篇論文的主旨在探討設計-電腦輔助面貌重塑系統的相關課題。主要的貢獻有: (一)提出一套收集與建立面貌資訊統計資料庫的方法。在此統計資料庫中存放臉部各處皮膚與骨頭之距離。 (二)設計一面貌重塑系統,在給定一頭骨資料後,可根據面貌資訊統計資料庫重建其臉部皮膚之模型。
In forensic medicine, facial reconstruction means the techniques to reconstruct the face of a deceased person given a skull of his/her cadaver. Facial reconstrucion has long played an important role as an aid to identify facial-destroyed cadaver. Using computers to assist facial reconstruction can increase fidelity, reliability, and efficiency. In addition, many advanced functions can be incorporated to give such a computer-aided system more add-on values. The purpose of this thesis is to design and implement a computer-aided facial reconstruction system. The primary contributions of this thesis are: (1) Propose a method to collect and create a facial model statistics database. The database stores the depth relationship between the soft tissues of faces and underlying bony structure of skulls. (2) Design a facial reconstruction system. The system can reconstruct the facial model of a skull according to the facial model statistics database.
Appears in Collections:Thesis