標題: 快速熱程序爐中加熱燈源的頻譜分析
Spectrum Analysis of Heating Source in Rapid Thermal Processing Furnaces
作者: 王道南
Wang, Dou-Nan
Chu, Hsin-Sen
關鍵字: 快速熱程序爐;加熱燈源
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 本文主要是建立一套加熱燈源的輻射頻譜量測系統。藉以量測快速熱程序爐(RPT)中擔任加熱燈源的鹵燈泡之幅射頻譜,並與由光學理論所得到的晶圓的輻射熱性質做綜合探討。 本文所量測的燈源是Osram公司出產的鹵素燈泡,它的瓦數是1000W,本研究量測它在不同電壓下的輻射頻譜以了解這個燈泡的放出輻射熱能的情形。其次,本研究由電磁波的理論出發,把熱輻射視為電磁波的形式,利用光學中的光線追蹤法(Ray-tracing method)來推算晶圓系統內的吸收率,穿透率和反射率等性質。最後本文將鹵素燈泡的輻射頻譜乘以在這個波長下晶圓的吸收率後再將所有的值積分起來便是這個晶圓的吸收總能量,經由這樣的過程可以得知晶圓在各個溫度下吸收輻射能量的情形。經由計算出各個溫度下晶圓吸收能量的情形,對於控制加熱燈源讓晶圓升溫有很大的幫助。再者,得知晶圓的吸收特性後也能對加熱源做進一步的改善。
Rapid thermal processing (RTP) has become a key technology in the fabrication of advanced semiconductor devices. As RTP becomes the accepted technology for an increasingly wide range of processes in device fabrication, the understanding of the physics and properties of radiant heating source in RTP systems is also being profoundly important. The objective of this research is to establish an experimental system to measure the radiant spectrum of heating source in rapid thermal processing furnaces and to discuss the characteristics of the radiant heating source. Moreover, the sue of optical ray-tracing method for prediction of the thermal radiative properties of semiconductor wafers is concerned in the study. Such calculations can be used to address many of the key issues of interest in RTP, including the absorbed energy and the temperature control system.