Title: 五自由度磁浮軸承之系統鑑別與數位控制器設計
Application of System Identification and Digital Controller Design for 5-DOF Spindle Suspended by Magnetic Bearing
Authors: 方子誠
Fang, Tzu-Cheng
Lee, An-Chen
Keywords: 五自由度;數位控制器
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 磁浮軸承轉子系統具有非線性的特性、外力干擾、渦電流、磁滯等不確定因子,因此本論文首先用系統鑑別方法鑑別磁浮系統,求得系統參數後,用分散控制理論設計一數位控制器來控制主軸。 我們採用 Eykhoff 所提出的Levy法加上 Sanathanan 和 Koerner 所提出的權重(weighting)運算法則來做系統鑑別,除了可有效的鑑別出系統特性外且可使直流增益值的誤差降低,利用系統鑑別所得到之結果,我們探討磁浮軸承之磁路特性,除了提供控制器設計參考外,對於磁浮承也可多一層之了解。在數位控制器設計方面,我們考慮線圈電感效應,以設定極點(Pole Assignment)方式,對系統作穩定性分析與控制器設計。並以實驗、模擬比較各種不同控制器對系統穩定度及性能的影響。
The dynamic characateristics of magnetic bearing are often suffered from many problems, such as nonlinearities, eddy current, parameter variations and external disturbances. The aims of the paper are using system identification methods to identify system properties and parameters. Accroding to the system parameters, we can design a decentrslized digital controller to control the magnetic bearings. The Levy method proposed by Eykhoff and weighting rule proposed by Sanathanan and Koerner are employed to identify the system. The method not only can identify the parameters of the system effectively but also give the suitable dc gain. In the digital controller design aspect, we use pole assignment method, considering inductance effect, to obtain suitable controller. In addition, we analyze the stability of the controller, and compare the stability and performance among several cotrollers with experiment and simulation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis