標題: 鋰電池電量模擬平台之研究
On Discharging Modeling and Capacity Estimation of Li-Ion Battery
作者: 林士人
Shih-Jen Lin
Lan-Rong Dung
關鍵字: 鋰電池;放電平台;Li-Ion Battery;Discharging Modeling
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 從低功率可攜式行動電話到高功率消耗的電器產品,其工作原理及工作目的都不盡相同,但有一共通的特性,就是電力來源都是使用可重複使用的二次電池,而高能量密度的鋰電池就成為首選。低功率消耗和最大值電池運行時間(Run Time)是可攜式的電子產品運用的關鍵。準確和高效率的取得電池相關特性,電路迴路設計者能預測和最佳化電池運行時間去評估效率。本論文提出一個準確,直覺和全面電子電池模型提議和被實施。這個模型模擬電池的動態特徵,使用脈衝放電的方法獲得非線性的開路電壓和內阻值。這個簡化的模型忽略自動放電、使用週期, 和溫度的作用,被確認用於磷酸鐵鋰電池和聚合物鋰離子電池的實驗性資料。提出的模型準確地預言電池I-V 特性。模型可能容易地並且延伸到其它電池和能源管理技術。
High-energy density solid-state lithium-ion batteries are increasingly used in many application from low-power mobile telephones to high-power traction. Low power dissipation and maximum battery runtime are crucial in portable electronics .With accurate and efficient circuit and battery models in hand , circuit designers can predict and optimize battery circuit performance. In this thesis , an accurate, intuitive , and comprehensive electrical battery model is proposed and implemented in a Matlab environment. This model accounts for all dynamic Characteristics of the battery, using pulse discharge manner to get nonlinear open-circuit voltage and impedance of the battery . A simplified model neglecting the effects of self-discharge, cycle number, and temperature, which are non consequential in low-power Li-ion-supplied applications, is validated with experimental data on C-LiFePO4 and polymer Li-ion batteries. Proposed model predicts the battery I–V performance accurately. The model can also be easily extended to other battery and power sourcing technologies.


  1. 754401.pdf

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