標題: 單位功率因數之交流直流轉換器的分析與設計
Design and Analysis of a Unity Power Factor AC to DC Converter
作者: 曾威國
Zeng, Wei-Guo
Zheng, Mu-Huo
關鍵字: 線性二次調節器;適應性;交流-直流整流器;電機工程;控制工程;LQR;adaptive;Linear quadratic regulator;Adaptive;AC-DC rectifier;ELECTRICAL-ENGINEERING;CONTROL-ENGINEERING
公開日期: 1997
摘要: The main subject to investigate here is designing a controller make the output voltage follow with the voltage command as soon as possible when loading is variating in AC-DC rectifier with high power factor. To improve the time response by designing a voltage controller, the active full bridge rectifier is adopted. A approximation mathematics model is established by the way of averaging and linearization, and then the adaptive PI Controller and Linear Quadratic Regulator are designed to make the output voltage follow with the voltage command rapidly and stably.
Appears in Collections:Thesis