標題: 不同冷卻再養護方式對混凝土承受高溫後殘餘強度及恢復狀況之影響
Effect of different cooling method and re-curing method on strength recovery of concrete suffering elevated temperature
作者: 許修豪
Shiou Haur Sheu
Fu-Ping Cheng
關鍵字: 冷卻;再養護;混凝土;殘餘強度;恢復;cooling method;re-curing method;strength recovery;concrete;temperature
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 混凝土承受高溫後會造成其抗壓強度很大的損失,進而影響結構物之安全。而高溫後混凝土若能給予適當的水分供給,會進行再水化作用使得部分強度恢復。
The compressive strength of concrete was lost significantly at high temperature, and might affect the safety of the structure. But partial recovery in strength may occur by appropriate re-curing.
This study is aimed at the investigation of the strength recovery of Normal Strength Concrete and High Performance Concrete after suffering elevated temperature with different cooling method and re-curing method. This study is devoted to investigate the effects of re-curing method. The major experimental parameters include cooling method (natural cooling, forced cooling), re-curing method (air curing, intermittent water curing, sustained water curing), and curing time (1, 7, 28, 91 days). Result shows that intermittent water curing can get the best recovery strength.