Title: 鋼骨梁柱接頭耐震行為研究
Seismic Behavior of Steel Moment Resisting Frame Connections
Authors: 鐘明達
Ming-Dar Chung
Cheng-Chih Chen
Keywords: 鋼骨梁柱接頭;韌性;塑性轉角;Steel moment resisting frame connection;Ductility;Plastic rotation
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 1994年美國北嶺地震對鋼骨構造建築造成大量損壞,甚多鋼骨梁柱接頭在尚未充分發揮韌性能力前便已破壞,故對於梁翼銲接梁腹鎖螺栓之標準型式梁柱接頭有必要進行檢討與修正。改良型式梁柱接頭的開發皆是針對標準梁柱接頭之缺點而進行改善,故從研究標準梁柱接頭之行為及破壞模式出發,以作為改良型式接頭發展之基礎。
The 1994 Northridge earthquake caused widespread and unexpected damage to the standard connections of moment resisting frames. Numerous bolted web-welded flange connections to be having brittle failure before fully developing ductility to dissipate energy. This research presents the results of standard connections tests, as the fundamental background to develop the improved connections.
The experimental research was conducted to study the ultimate moment strength, ductility performance and plastic rotation of bolted web-welded flange connections. Tests of two large-scale specimens were conducted on single cantilever assemblage subjected to cyclic loads. Weld metal with adequate notch toughness was used in full-penetration welding. In order to evaluate the stress distribution and performance of various types of connections, the finite element analysis was utilized. Experimental and analytical study demonstrated the geometric discontinuity of assess-hole caused the initial crack because of stress concentration. The improved types of connections suggested by analytical study can reduce the stress demand of column face effectively
Appears in Collections:Thesis