標題: 嵌入式多媒體遊戲系統平台設計
An Embedded Multimedia Gaming System Platform Design
作者: 黃秀璋
關鍵字: 多媒體;嵌入式系統;MIPS;Embedded system;MPEG;SoC;TLB
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 隨著IC製程的發展,SoC產品的功能已經達到了單晶片電腦的程度。一方面是因應許多可攜性產品的省電及體積之需求,另一方面也是為了要有較高的執行效能以負擔各式各樣多媒體處理時所需要的大量運算能力。這些SoC產品大多是為了能夠提供更完整的多媒體運算,更多的娛樂效果。並且已經大量的運用在像是手機,PMP(Portable Media Player),Set Top Box等等的產品中。 在本論文中,我們將設計一個以RMI(Raza Microelectronics, Inc.)公司所生產的SoC - Au1200作為核心之嵌入式多媒體遊戲軟硬體平台。此平台將充分發揮Au1200本身所具有的多媒體硬體加速功能以及周邊I/O功能。在硬體方面,討論所有從零件的選擇、線路圖設計到PCB layout的細節與實作過程,包括硬體層次的系統程式設計細節與實作。在軟體方面,說明在不使用作業系統的情況下,如何從開發工具的選定、製作到執行環境以及程式庫的建立。接著測試並討論本平台軟硬體系統效能以及各種功能的實作細節。最後並展示如何利用此平台製作一個小遊戲。
With fast development of IC manufacture process, capability of SoC achieved single computer degree. Since many portable devices need smaller size and lower power consumption, but expect higher performance to provide multimedia operation. These SoC products are mostly for offering more intact multimedia effect and amusement results.They are used in cell-phine, portable media player, set-top box, etc. In this thesis, we will design one embedded multimedia gaming system platform. This platform will implement all multimedia functions that integrated in Au1200 of RMI. We will explain how to choose components, draw schematics and notices of PCB layout in hardware aspect.For the software part,we will show that how to build the development tools and runtime environment without an operating system.After built development tools, we will use them to make benchmark of this system, discuss its performance. Lastly, we will implement a small game program to demonstrate the multimedia ability of our system platform.


  1. 756301.pdf

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