標題: 照明光顏色、電腦螢幕文字/背景顏色與文字複雜度對中文字辨識與視覺疲勞之影響
Effects of Illumination Color, Screen Text/Background Color Combination andChinese Character Complexity on Character legibility and Visual Fatigue
作者: 吳姮憓
Heng-Hui Wu
Shang-Hwa Hsu
關鍵字: 黃光;顏色;辨識度;中文字;yellow-light;color;legibility;Chinese character
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 半導體晶圓廠黃光區之作業人員常抱怨黃光背景照明對其視覺的影響,基於有色燈光照明演色性(color rendition)的理論基礎,本研究模擬黃光區照明情境,探討電腦螢幕文字辨識績效及人員主、客觀視覺疲勞度的影響。本研究操縱燈光顏色(黃色、白色)、電腦螢幕文字/背景間之顏色配置(白底黑字、黑底白字、綠底紅字與黃底白字)以及文字複雜度(低、中、高)等三個自變數對文字辨識速度、正確率、人員視覺疲勞、以及受試者主觀評量值等依變數之影響。 研究結果發現在黃底白字的色彩組合與高複雜度文字的情形時,會對目標字辨識時間以及辨識正確率有顯著較差之影響。利用C.F.F.量測人員視覺疲勞的程度,未有顯著地差異。但是,在黃光照明下,人員的主觀評量值顯著地呈現視覺疲勞的發生以及表示不喜歡黃光照明的環境。
This study simulated the illuminated condition of photolithography in semi-conductor factory to investigate the performance on Chinese character legibility and the effects of visual fatigue for subjects on VDT. The independent variables are the light color, the screen text/background color combination, and the complexity of characters in this experiment. The variable of light color has two levels that were yellow and white. The variable of screen text/background color combination has four types that were black text on white background, white text on black background, red text on green background, and white text on yellow background. The variable of complexity of characters has three levels that were low, middle, and high. Results showed that the subjects' Chinese character legible time of targets found and correct percentage for white text on yellow background and high complexity of characters was significantly poorer than for the other conditions. Visual fatigue was measured by the change of critical fusion frequency (C.F.F.) had no significant effect. The subjects' subjective measurement significantly showed visual fatigue in the photolithography in semi-conductor factory. And the subjects indicated they dislike VDT work in the photolithography in semi-conductor factory.