Title: DNA 超螺旋結構改變對大腸桿菌呼吸鏈與延胡索酵素基因之表現
Effect of DNA supercoiling on expression of respiratory and fumarase genes in escherichia coli
Authors: 李雅雯
Arwen Lee
Dr. Ching-Ping Tseng
Keywords: DNA 超螺旋結構;呼吸鏈基因;延胡索酵素基因;DNA supercoiling;respiratory genes;Fumarase genes
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 大腸桿菌為兼性厭氧細菌, 在有氧環境下細胞可將葡萄糖經糖解路徑及 TCA cycle 代謝分解, 並將產生的NADH 經有氧呼吸鏈酵素 cytochrome o oxidase(cyoABCDE) 與 cytochrome d oxidase (cydABC) 傳遞電子給最終接收者氧而產生能量。 厭氧環境下, 厭氧呼吸酵素基因包括 nitrate reductase (narGHJI)、 DMSO/TMAO reductase (dmsABC) 及 fumarate reductase (frdABCD) 會被活化, 而上述好氧呼吸基因則被抑制。 Fumarase 是 TCA cycle 中重要酵素之一, 在有氧環境下細胞會利用 Fumarase (FumA 與 C) 進行 TCA cycle, 將 fumarase 轉換為 malate。 FumA 在有氧時被大量表現, FumC 是在當細胞受高氧應力(high oxygen stress) 才被誘發。 Fnr 與 ArcA/B 為目前已知大腸桿菌體內兩組重要轉錄調控子, 它們會將外界是否有氧的訊息傳入細胞內而調控上述基因的表現。 由以前的研究瞭解在厭氧環境下, 厭氧呼吸鏈基因的表現會被 Fnr 活化, 但不受 ArcA/B 所調控; 有氧呼吸鏈基因受兩者所調控, 而 fumA 與fumC 受 Fnr 和 ArcA/B 抑制。 雖然 Fnr 與 ArcA 可調控這些基因表現, 但在 △arcA 及 △fnr 及其雙重突變株中, 上述這些基因在有氧及厭氧環境下表現差距仍然存在, 可知除了Fnr 與 ArcA 外尚有其它因子也參與這些基因表現。 大腸桿菌內 DNA 超螺旋結構主要是由會增減 negative 超螺旋結構的 DNA gyrase 和 topoisomerase I, 經彼此互相協調以達到一個 topology 的平衡。 由於在不同含氧環境已證實會改變 DNA 超螺旋結構, 所以我們認為 DNA 超螺旋結構可能會參與調控這些基因的表現。 本研究利用不同的 gyrase 抑制劑, 添加鹽及構築 topoisomerase I 突變株, 分別使菌體內 DNA 超螺旋結構變得鬆散與轉緊, 來觀察這些基因在 in vivo 中表現情形。 結果發現在厭氧環境下當 DNA 超螺旋結構較鬆散時呼吸鏈基因表現均下降, 在 topA 突變株中及添加鹽使 DNA 超螺旋結構轉緊後, 這些呼吸鏈基因表現均被活化, 而這些基因受 DNA 超螺旋結構改變之影響在厭氧環境下較有氧環境下明顯。 其中 frdABCD、 fumA 與 fumC 在過去已被證實受生長速率影響, 因此在 DNA 超螺旋結構轉緊或放鬆時, 表現並無一致性。 DNA 超螺旋結構也可能是先經由影響 Fnr或 ArcA 後再去調控該基因之表現。 從本研究中發現 DNA 超螺旋結構在 in vivo 中確實是除了 Fnr 與 ArcA/B 外是影響呼吸鏈基因及延胡索酵素基因表現的另一調控因子。
Escherichia coli exhibits diverse respiratory abilities. It synthesizes at least two distinctive cytochrome oxidases during aerobic growth and additional three terminal oxidoreductases for anaerobic respiration. Although two broadly acting regulators, Fnr and ArcA, independent control of oxygen-regulated genes have been identified, in fnr and arcA mutants they still show the difference during anaerobiosis. A topological state of the bacterial chromosome is important for transcription and replication. DNA superhelicity becomes more negative under anaerobic condition in E. coli. To determine how the respiratory genes are regulated in response to a variety of DNA supercoiling during aerobiosis the DNA gyrase inhibitors, salt and topoisomerase I mutants were examined on the lacZ reporter fusions in the wild-type, fnr and arcA mutants. When DNA supercoiling was relaxed, the expression of cyo-lacZ, cyd-lacZ, narG-lacZ, dmsA-lacZ, and frdA-lacZ decreased under aerobic and anaerobic growth. In contrast, the expression of five respiratory genes were activated when negative DNA supercoiling was introduced into the strains. These findings suggestted that in addition to Fnr and ArcA, DNA supercoiling was another factor for regulation of respiratory genes expression. Fumarase is one of the TCA cycle enzyme. fumA and fumC genes are induced under aerobic growth condition and are repressed by Fnr and ArcA. In this study, we demonstrated that the change of DNA supercoiling structure would activate their expression. Because fumA and fumC genes was controlled by growth rate, therefore, the growth rate might affect DNA supercoiling and result in changing fumA and fumC genes expression.
Appears in Collections:Thesis