Title: 電子收費系統收費站服務績效之研究:TTPS模式之運用
Measure of Effective for Electronic Toll Collection System in Toll Plaza:Application of TTPS Model
Authors: 賴炳榮
Ping-Jung Lai
Yuan-Chin Hsu
Keywords: 電子收費系統;系統模擬;服務績效;Electronic Toll Collection;system simulation;Measures of Effective
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract:   本研究調查電子收費系統收費站之運作特性,並利用收費站模擬模式(TTPS),模擬電子收費系統在收費站之不同的佈設對收費站整體服務績效所產生之影響。影響收費站之運轉效能的因素很多,本研究係探討電子收費系統佈設的車道位置、使用者比例與佈設車道數之多寡等因素變動時,對收費站服務績效(MOE's)之影響。 經實地調查資料顯示,電子收費系統之收費車道服務容量確較一般人工收費之能量為高。按模擬結果顯示,在僅設置一線電子收費車道之情況下,當置於最內(或外)側時,其收費站服務績效最佳並隨著車道移設於中間車道而遞減;另隨著電子收費系統使用者與建置車道數量之增長,其服務績效(MOE's)亦將隨之提高。
In this research we survey the operation process of Electronic Toll Collection System and use the Even-Driven Toll Plaza Stimulation Model (TTPS) to stimulate the performance when at different allocation . Besides, we discuss the factors that influence the Tolling Collection performance , such as the lane location , user proportion , the number of lane etc. , and Measure of their effective to the Toll Plaza. From our on-the-spot investigation ,we find that the Electronic Toll Collection System lanes indeed have higher service capacity than manual collection lanes . The stimulation results also find that , if we allocate single collection lane at the innermost (or outermost) side , the Measure of Effective (MOE,s) is optimum and it will decrease if we allocate incline to the central lane .On the other hand , the increasing users and lanes of collection system will generate the higher Performance of Service.
Appears in Collections:Thesis