Title: 快速道路號誌路口變換時段下之駕駛行為研究
Driver Behavior on Expressway Intersection Approach During Change Interval
Authors: 陳威杉
Wei-Shan Chen
Lawrence W. Lan
Shu-Keng Hsu
Keywords: 變換時段;快速道路;駕駛行為;Change Interval;Expressway;Driver Behavior
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 變換時段係為與路口安全關係最密切之號誌時制設計單元,其傳統之設計方法係採定性公式,然而實際駕駛決策並無法如公式之理性與準確,因此此課題的發展有了隨機性與駕駛行為的考量。
The change interval is a subject of signal timing, which is most relevant to safety of intersection. The design length of change interval is traditionally according to definite physical formula. However, driver decision in real world can't be as precise or reasonable as the way predicted by definite physical formula. Therefore, the development of this subject began to focus on the random property and uncertainty of driver behavior.
This study chooses some intersections of the expressway, where easy to have serious accident, investigating the decision behavior of individual driver during yellow time; then, according to this, constructs a binary-logit choice model, and analyzes results of individuals' decision by traffic stream behavior model.
After analyzing, it can be found that, during the yellow time, vehicles on expressway are more likely to choose crossing the intersection than those on general highway are; heavy-vehicle, the vehicle with higher speed, and the vehicle closer to stop line are also more likely to choose crossing the intersection. It can also be found that, under full capacity, the yellow time requirement of vehicles with different approach speed is similar on the identical speed design or similar approach. The yellow time requirement will increase while above jam density.
Therefore, under any condition of roads and traffic, the method, which can reflect real driver behavior and property of traffic stream, in this study, can be applied to analyze and research guideline of change interval timing.
Appears in Collections:Thesis