標題: 反光車牌對車輛肇事影響之研究
The Study of the Vehicle Accident Effect on Reflective License Plates
作者: 劉冠汝
Kuan-Ru Liu
Tai-Sheng Huang
關鍵字: 反光車牌;車輛肇事;reflective license plate;vehicle accident
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 車輛號牌是車輛的身分證明,也是車輛管理的重要依據。因此在進行車牌設計考量時,應實質考量車牌所應具備的功能來作設計,除了車牌之基本功能(容量、辨識等)外,應進一步分析車牌之附加功能(例如安全之提昇、防止偽造)。考量國外以往研究反光車牌提昇車輛安全之研究,多屬事後之分析研究,難免囿限於實際資料之缺乏,由於反光車牌尚未在我國實施,正適合建立一屬於我國實施反光車牌之事前事後分析研究。因此本研究進行反光車牌對車輛肇事影響之研究,利用反光車牌明顯性增加促使明視距離增加之特性,建立反光車牌對車輛肇事影響之推估方法,並推估未來採用反光車牌對車輛肇事產生影響而帶來之效益,研究結果顯示反光車牌對車輛肇事之減少有正面影響,並強烈建議我國未來應採用反光車牌。
License plates are the identification papers of vehicles; they are also bases of vehicle management. For this reason, we should consider all kinds of functions of license plate when considering the design of it. We should consider not only the basic functions, but also the additional functions. Many studies of license plates to increase vehicle safety in foreign belong to after study, and limited to actual data unavoidable. The reflective license plates are not put into practice in our country, now is the right time to begin the before-after study of reflective license plates. Therefore, the study of the vehicle accident effect on reflective license plates is necessary. The study established an estimate method to estimate the benefit of the vehicle accident effect on reflective license plates. The result shows the front effect on reducing vehicle accidents. We should put reflective license plates into practice in Taiwan in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis