Title: 基隆港對基隆市產業之經濟影響研究
Economic Impacts of Keelung Port on Industry in Keelung City
Authors: 蔡宗龍
Tsung-Lung Tsai
Cheng-Min Feng
Keywords: 產業經濟;基隆港;基隆市;投入產出分析;港埠依賴產業;港埠衝擊;Industry Economics;Keelung Port;Keelung City;Input-Output Analysis;Port-dependent Industry;Port Impact
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 基隆港為北部地區的國際商港,鄰近大台北地區,為北部的一個主要輸出入門戶。過去基隆港雖然帶來了基隆市產業的繁榮發展,但是近年來基隆港在台灣進出口運輸的優勢已大不如前,以往以港為主的地方產業面臨發展瓶頸。基隆市開始重新思考其產業發展的方向,基隆港對基隆市正面的影響有多大,為一見仁見智,仍未有定論的問題。瞭解了港對地方產業的影響,可以據以定出產業發展方向,並據以擬定產業發展政策,為基隆市產業發展一相當重要的課題。
Keelung Port, an international commercial port near Taipei, is a primary import-export doorway of the north Taiwan. In the past several decades, Keelung Port has contributed a lot to the development of industry in Keelung City. But now, it has lost its leading role and competitiveness in the international trade. The local industry, which was based on the port, has faced a bottleneck in its development. Keelung City start to reconsider the direction of development of its industry. To what extent is the economic impacts of Keelung Port on the industry in Keelung City is a controversial problem. In order to decide the direction of development of industry and to make the industry policy, it is important to understand these impacts.
The paper is to investigate "what kind of impact" Keelung Port has on the industry of Keelung City, "to what extent" is the impacts and "how these impacts work." The paper analyses the development data of local industry and the operation of the port, finds out their relationships and defines the port-dependent industry. Then the theory of Port Impact Study and Input-Output Analysis method are used to estimate the value of production and local employment due to the port.
It is found that Keelung Port was significantly related to the total population of Keelung City between 1952 and 1973. Between 1973 and 1993, Keelung Port didn't influence total population much, but the employment of local industry was closely related to the tonnage of Keelung Port. Keelung Port has a positive impact to the growth of local industry. It is noted that not only port-dependent industry has significant impacts on Keelung City, but the indirect and i
Appears in Collections:Thesis