Title: | 推動民間參與高速公路建設之先期評估研究 The Study of Preliminary Assessment of Encouraging Private Participation in Public Exprssway Construction |
Authors: | 黃浩 Hao Huang 黃台生 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 民營化;內生報酬率;淨現值;償債比率;自償率;階層程序分析法;Privatization;Internal Rate of Return;Net Present Value;Analytic Hierarchy Process |
Issue Date: | 1998 |
Abstract: | 推動民間參與高速公路建設之先期評估研究
研究生:黃 浩 指導教授:黃台生
摘 要
依據本研究分析結果可知,政府能否成功地推動民間參與投資高速公路建設,首先必需提高方案的投資報酬率,方足以吸引民間業者參與,再則考量方案可否紓解政府財政困難,俾達到政府推動高速公路建設民營化之最大目地。而政府依據「獎參條例」給予長期優惠貸款補貼利率、五年免納營利事業所得稅等種種優惠措施時,均無法大幅度提高方案之內生報酬率(IRR)與淨現值(NPV)。因此,唯有靠政府提供土地及資金直接投資建設計畫之非自償部份,或者採行其他配套措施方案,例如將北宜高速公路頭城蘇澳段採BOT方式交由民間機構興建營運,同時將南港頭城段採OT方式一併交其營運,才能有效提高內生報酬率與淨現值。 The Study of Preliminary Assessment of Encouraging Private Participation in Public Expressway Construction --by Using Bei-Yi Expressway Section between Tou-Chen and Su-Au Student: Hao Huang Advisor:Tai-Sheng Huang Institute of Traffic and Transportation National Chiao Tung University Abstract Conventionally, the budget of transportation construction is listed by government annually. However, since building expressways is an expensive and time-consuming task, it often lags behind schedule when government faces fiscal problems. As government is hand-tied by many aspects, nowadays, it becomes commonplace for many countries to encourage private sectors to participate in transportation infrastructure construction, which is a trend of privatization. However, different sections of an expressway may have various privatization proposals. Government should pick out an appropriate one with thorough evaluation beforehand. As such, the Institute attempts to explore the issues of preliminary evaluation ensued by a privatization of expressway construction work. We first reviewed related articles and papers to understand privatizing public construction models, pertinent laws and regulations. Then analyzed the differences between privately invested and publicly sponsored models, and explored the likelihood of privatization of expressway construction. We use Tou-Chen and Su-Au section of the Bei-Yi expressway as an example to formulate all possible proposals. Finally, we applied the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determinate the priority of these proposals. Based on our study, we learn that to successfully encourage private sectors to participate in the expressway construction, government must first raise the return on investment (ROI). Secondly, it has been taken into account whether the privatization will alleviate the fiscal distress of the government, which is the main purpose of privatization. Although the government has provided incentives such as long-term interest subsidy and five-year income tax free on sales revenues according to regulations, the internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV) of these proposals still limited. The only alternative to raise the IRR and NPV is either to provide lands and direct investment by the government for the non-self-paying portions of these proposals, or to adopt a BOT model of the Tou-Chen Su-Au section and a OT model of the Nan-Kang Tou-Chen section simultaneously. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/63899 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |