標題: GPS結合重力感測器之定位效能提昇
Improvement on GPS positioning performance with G-sensor
作者: 鄭博偉
Cheng, Po-Wei
Chang, Ruei-Chuan
關鍵字: 全球定位系統;重力感測器;慣性導航系統;方位推估法;最小平方法;GPS;G-sensor;INS;Dead Reckoning;Least Square Method
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 近年來,GPS的相關研究,多集中於與INS(慣性導航系統)功能互相整合上。GPS以其準確的定位能力,提供INS適時修正量測誤差;並且,INS不會受環境影響而斷訊的特點,可有效輔助GPS,使系統正常定位。本研究的目的即設計一個簡單而有效率的資料處理方法,利用一般GPS接收器,來修正感測器的速度誤差,並根據這些累積的修正經驗,即使GPS發生短時間斷訊,感測器也能繼續提供移動速度,供系統作定位使用。
Recently, the research of GPS system was concentrated on the integration with the INS (Inertial Navigation System). The GPS, with accurate positioning capability, helps the INS to correct its errors. The INS, effective even in the poor signal quality environment, can support the GPS when the latter works abnormally. The main goal of this study is to design a simple and effective data processing method to reduce the errors inherited in the low-cost sensors through the velocity provided by the GPS receiver. Moreover, with error correction, the INS can keep positioning even in a short period of GPS signal loss.


  1. 758001.pdf

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