Title: 以核心資源觀點探討學術型創新育成中心之運作機制
A Study on the Mechanism of the Academic Innovative Incubator from the Core Resource View
Authors: 洪瑞隆
Jui-Lung Hung
Benjamin J.C Yuan
Zhao-Yang Tong
Keywords: 核心資源;運作機制;育成中心;Core Resources;Operational Mechanism;Incubator
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 技術創新是國家經濟成長最重要的原動力之一,近年來美、英、德等先進國家,透過科技事業育成中心來協助創業個人及中小企業,已獲得顯著的成效。另一方面,香港、南韓、中國大陸、東歐等開發中國家亦在積極跟進中。而國內自1997年起亦陸續成立了三十餘家的創新育成中心。在這些成立不到三年的創新育成中心中,有高達三十家是由大專院校為開發主體的育成中心,即學者所謂的學術型育成中心。在這樣一個以學術型創新育成中心佔多數的育成產業中,圍繞著學術型創新育成中心的相關議題也就變得相當重要。 本研究從核心資源的觀點出發,採個案研究的方式,以元智、交大、清大、成大以及中山等五所大學之創新育成中心為個案對象,進行個案訪談與資料蒐集。探討- 1. 學術型創新育成中心之運作機制:包括財務運作、委員會、相關人際網絡、管理團隊、中心設施的維持運作、進駐廠商之招募與選擇、服務提供。 2. 學術型創新育成中心現有之核心資源:包括實體資產、財務資產、無形資產、組織能力與員工能力。並從中瞭解各個案育成中心如何利用其核心資源支持其運作機制,以及其核心資源的累積與強化情形。
Technological innovation is the most important driving force for a national economic growth. Lately, developed countries such as the US, UK and Germany are using technology incubators to nurture the growth of entrepreneurship and small-medium enterprises. They have achieved great success. On the other hand, developing countries such as Hong Kong, South Korea, Mainland China and East Europe are following suit. In Taiwan, more than thirty incubators have been established since 1997. Among these incubators, more than ninety percent of them are sponsored by academic institutions, therefore issues related to these academic incubators are peculiarly important. This research will start from the perspective of core resources and proceed in the method of case studies. Five incubators in Taiwan are chosen for the purpose of conducting case studies. These five incubators are sponsored by Yuan Ze University, National Chiao Tung University, National Tsing Hua University, National Cheng Kung University and National Sun Yat-sun University respectively. Interviews are conducted and information is collected from the five incubators with the purpose to explore: 1.The operational mechanism of academic incubators: financial dynamics, board, stakeholder network, management team, incubator facilities, recruiting and selection of client companies and services provided. 2.The current core resources of academic incubators: physical assets, financial assets, intangible assets, organization capability, and employee competency. The research also intends to understand how each incubator uses core resources to support operational mechanism and how the core resources are accumulated and strengthened.
Appears in Collections:Thesis