標題: | 從區位理論探討網路購物與電視購物對台灣店鋪購物的影響----由消費者角度分析之 The Impacts of Internet Shopping and TV Shopping on Taiwan's store Shopping: a Niche Analysis |
作者: | 彭玉賢 Yu-Shan Peng 李秀珠 Shu-Chu Li, Ph. D. 傳播研究所 |
關鍵字: | 網路購物;電視購物;店鋪購物;區位理論;消費者資源;無店鋪購物;Internet Shopping;Cable TV Shopping;Store Shopping;Niche Theory;Consumer Resource;Non-store Shopping |
公開日期: | 1998 |
摘要: | 無店鋪販售的出現,使購物更加方便,尤其網路購物與電視購物更是當紅炸子雞,兩者的媒介豐富性較高,可負載聲音、影像訊號,提供更多資訊讓消費者參考,降低消費者風險知覺。本研究從消費者╱閱聽人資源使用的觀點,探討網路購物、電視購物的出現,對於傳統店鋪購物的影響,在理論上引用區位理論,使用Dimmick(1993)所提出的區位寬度、區位重疊度與區位優勢公式,做為分析工具,檢視電子購物對於台灣零售產業的競爭狀況。在研究方法上,採用問卷調查法,以十八歲以上具有網路購物、電視購物、店鋪購物經驗的消費者,作為調查對象,在1999年2~3月期間以非隨機配額抽樣,輔以滾雪球方式,尋找合適的受訪者,結果共回收120份有效樣本。
整體而言店鋪購物只有在方便╱隱私相關面向表現不佳,其他四個資源面向上,在區位寬度、區位優勢都佔有優勢地位,區位重疊度分析上,也出現店鋪購物與網路購物、電視購物的競爭緩和,所以說網路購物與電視購物的出現,對於店鋪購物並未產生取代或淘汰情形。另外,由於店鋪購物可使用的資源面向多元化,一旦環境發生劇烈的變動,店鋪購物最有可能不受影響。網路購物與電視購物之間的競爭狀況激烈,而且網路購物在產品╱資訊、方便╱隱私、情感等相關取向,區位寬度、區位優勢都明顯優於電視購物,所以說網路購物的出現會取代或淘汰電視購物。一旦環境發生劇烈的變動,電視購物整體表現都不如店鋪購物與網路購物,所以電視購物最容易受到環境變動的影響,發生危機,而網路購物在資源使用上優於電視購物,種類也較具多元化,所以網路購物生存的機率會比電視購物來得大。 According to organizational ecology, the key to understanding the fitness of an organization with its environment is its niche that is the resources utilization pattern of an organization. As one organization is using the same resources with another organization, the two are overlapping in the use of resources, With the degree of overlapping increasing, the competition becomes intense. Non-store shopping has been existing in Taiwan for a long time, however it is not a popular way of shopping by people in Taiwan because people here prefer to see things before purchasing them. With the development of new technologies, two newly emerging types of non-store shopping, cable TV shopping and Internet shopping enable people to see things before purchase. Therefore, these two types of non-store shopping become popular in Taiwan. By adopting the theory of niche, this studying aims to examine the impacts of the two types of non- store shopping on the traditional store shopping. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/64018 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |