標題: 點對點虛擬專屬網路雛形系統
A Prototype System of Host-based Virtual Private Network
作者: 林育民
Yuh-Min Lin
Yi-Shiung Yeh
關鍵字: VPN;socket;SSL;FTP;VPN;socket;SSL;FTP
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 由於網路傳輸頻繁,使得網路安全的重要與日俱增,VPN 觀念的漸漸受到重視,因其安全性與使用的方便性普遍受到認同,所以我們計畫設計一點對點虛擬專屬網路雛形系統來保障資料的安全傳輸。 目前普遍的做法是在socket 層利用密碼方法對資料加密以達到資料的安全性保障,所以我們選擇以SSL來開發點對點虛擬專屬網路。只要通訊的雙方都套用SSL通訊安全協定,在網路上便架設起一私密而安全的通道,這樣就可以確保彼此間訊息傳遞的安全。 本論文將以製作一SSL-FTP 應用程式來做為點對點虛擬專屬網路雛形系統的例子,展示在client及server 端都套用SSL認證的環境下,提供資料傳輸的安全性。
Because of many network communications, network security becomes more and more important. The concept of VPN has been considered valued. People agree the security and convenience of it. So we design “A Prototype System of Host-based Virtual Private Network” to indemnify the secure communications of data. At this time, some use the cryptosystems to encrypt data at socket layer to confirm the secure communications of data. So we choose SSL to develop our system. If client and server both use the SSL communication protocol, one private and secure channel will be build. Communications between two points will be secure. In this paper, we will design a SSL-FTP application to demo our system. We will see the secure communications of data between client and server , that both of them use the SSL communication protocol.
Appears in Collections:Thesis