標題: 在網際網路上以SMIL開發的多媒體視訊編輯環境
A SMIL-based Authoring Environment for Internet Video
作者: 王斌銳
Bin-ray Wang
Hsin-Chia Fu
關鍵字: 同步多媒體整合語言;視訊搜尋引擎;SMIL;video search engine
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 網路頻寬及電腦技術的進步,帶動了多媒體產業的蓬勃發展。像是數位相機、錄影機的逐漸普及,讓我們越來越容易地錄製視訊、音訊等數位資料,為生活帶來種種樂趣;而網路技術的改進,使得多媒體資料的傳輸更加便利且易於取得。 然而媒體編輯或是後製作工具的缺乏,使得大多數人難以運用日益豐富的各種多媒體資源,空有創意與構想而無法實現。 因此本研究利用W3C所提出的SMIL( Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language),建構一個類似視窗環境下『所見即所得』的編輯環境,以提供媒體編輯者簡易的剪接、旁白、字幕等後製作功能,並且與Web Server及資料庫系統整合,在Web上建立一個多媒體網頁播放與編輯的環境。 同時此系統也結合多媒體搜尋引擎,將所得到的資訊整合至編輯環境中,幫助編輯人員找尋與媒體內容相關的超連結,製作具有豐富內涵之網頁。
The advancement of network bandwidth and computer technology promote the progress of multimedia industry. For example, it's lots of fun to record videos about our daily life with the popular digital camcoders. Also the transmission of multimedia becomes more and more convenient with the growing bandwidth of Internet. The lack of multimedia post-production tools, however, makes it difficult for most people to take advantage of the rich multimedia resource around. For this reason, we proposed an visual authoring environment based on SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) to support elementary film editing functions. At the same time, we build a multimedia information editing and browsing tools on the Web by integrating this environment with Video Search Engine and Database.
Appears in Collections:Thesis