Title: 特殊無線網路環境下之行動管理與路由方法
Mobility Management and Routing Method in Ad Hoc Networks
Authors: 許瑞明
Ruey-Ming Hsu
Rong-Hong Jan
Keywords: 特殊無線網路;多階式路由;階層式路由樹;Ad Hoc Network;Multihop routing;Hierarchical Routing Tree
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 現今的無線網路環境大致可分成兩種,一是有基礎架構(infrastructure)的網路,另一則是無基礎架構的特殊(ad hoc)網路。在特殊無線網路環境下,來源端行動機與目的端可能不在彼此的傳輸範圍內,此時行動機可藉由多階(multihop)的方式來傳送資料,也就是說每個行動機亦扮演類似路由器(router) 的角色替其他行動機轉送資料。此外,網路的拓僕形狀(topology)與行動機的路由路徑也會因行動機的移動而動態改變。在本論文中,我們結合了個人通訊系統架構的觀念,提出一種階層式路由樹(Hierarchical Routing Tree,HRT)的路由方法。行動機可利用此HRT很快的將資料傳送到主幹網路的存取點(access point),透過該存取點即可到達網路上的任何主機。在此階層式路由樹的根結點(即access point),我們建構一位置表(location table)來達成此系統的行動管理。此外,我們在Windows 95環境下亦實際開發此一雛型系統。
In this thesis, we proposed a protocol which introduces the concept of hierarchical architecture in personal communication services (PCS) for ad hoc network routing. This routing method is based on a rooted tree, call as Hierarchical Routing Tree, HRT. By this Hierarchical Routing Tree, a mobile host can find a path to root node which is a access point in the wired backbone network. Thus, mobile host can access Internet easily. In addition, we maintain a location table in the root node for mobility management. This system has been implemented under Windows 95 environment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis