Title: 具容錯性質的分散式會議金鑰系統
A Fault-Tolerant Distributed Conference Key System
Authors: 郭仲軒
Chung-Hsuan Kuo
Dr. Wen-Guey Tzeng
Keywords: 分散式系統;會議金鑰;容錯;安全多參與者計算;Distributed System;Conference Key;Fault-Tolerant;Secure Multi-Party Computation
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 當一群人想要在開放式的網路上召開一個會議時,可能會遭受到竊聽的危險,所以會議的參與者應該要在傳遞會議通訊內容之前,先建立起一個共同的會議金鑰,再用此會議金鑰加密所有的通訊內容。
When some members want to hold a conference over the open Internet, maybe there are some passive attackers trying to eavesdrop the communication. So those conference participants should establish a common conference key before the conference, and then they could use the conference key to encrypt the communication messages during the conference.
But when those conference participants are executing a conference key agreement protocol, some malicious participants would try to cheat other participants, and let the honest participants fail to get a common conference key.
We proposed a distributed conference key agreement protocol without any trusted authentication center. If the majority of participants are honest, the honest participants will establish a common conference key. Our protocol is zero-knowledge against a passive attacker.
Appears in Collections:Thesis