Title: 自由現金流量對企業價值影響之實證研究-以台灣半導體產業上市公司為例
An Empirical Study of the Effect of the Free Cash Flow-An Case Study of the Listed Companies in the Semiconductor Industry of Taiwan Stock Market
Authors: 楊世英
Shin-Ying Yang
An-Pin Chen
Keywords: 實證研究;自由現金流量;財務比率;企業價值;股價;Empirical Study;Free Cash Flow;Financial Ratio;Enterprise Valuation;Stock Prices
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 自由現金流量假說的應用,是近年來財務管理學界相當熱門的議題。透過自由現金流量的計算,配合適切地財務比率,將有利於衡量企業本業的營運狀況,並瞭解股價變化的動向。本研究針對9家台灣半導體產業上市公司,利用統計學的變異數分析、迴歸分析等方法,進行實證研究。期望能透過自由現金流量的觀點、修正現有的財務比率,藉以分析企業經營各構面,並比較其與使用一般的財務比率對企業市場價格變動的解釋能力。研究期間涵蓋民國82年至87年,共計6年。
In recent years, the free cash flow hypothesis impassioned in the domain of the finance management in Taiwan. Using the free cash flow (FCF) and financial ratios avail to evaluate the operation condition of the specialty field in the enterprise and to realize the trend of the stock price. This research compares the explanation abilities between the financial ratios revised by the free cash flow and the general financial ratios on the stock price and on the operation condition of the enterprise.
The samples of this research are the listed companies in the semiconductor industry of Taiwan stock market. The sampling period is from 1993 to 1998. The results of the study can be summarized as follow:
1.The major effect of the free cash flow on the variation of the stock price appears at the time the finance statement be published and decreases with time.
2.The financial ratios have significantly different ability of explanation to the different enterprises at the same time and the same enterprise at different times.
3.With more free cash flow, the operation ability, profitability and liquidation ability of the enterprise have the significantly correlation with the variation of the stock price. With less free cash flow, the finance condition, operation ability, growth ability and liquidation ability of the enterprise have the significantly correlation with the variation of the stock price.
Appears in Collections:Thesis