Title: | 從週休二日旅運特性探討城際運輸競爭之態勢-以台鐵為例 Two-Day Weekend Trip Patterns and transportation competitive market analysis - Take TRA for Example |
Authors: | 劉又甄 You-Jane Liu 張新立 Hsin-Li Chang 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 週休二日;群組分析;運具選擇;旅客態度;多變量分析;Two-Day weekend;cluster analysis;modal choice;attitude;multivariate analysis |
Issue Date: | 1998 |
Abstract: | 摘 要 本研究希望能循著一套邏輯性的研究過程,捕捉與描述『週休二日旅運行為』,分析並描述出週休二日的旅運模型,並以台鐵經營者的立場為出發點,透過資料的分析,瞭解其潛在市場、競爭對手等資訊,提出一些台鐵在行銷策略制訂時的建議與參考。因此,本研究依照研究方法與目的所需的資料內容,設計一份捕捉週休二日旅運行為、旅客運具選擇態度、競爭對手資訊的問卷,且實際在各運輸場站進行問卷的資料蒐集工作。 利用問卷所得的資料,首先將有效樣本的態度量表進行主成分分析,找出旅客的運具選擇態度構面;接下來,以得到的金錢成本、時間成本、輕鬆性與便捷性四個構面為樣本的應變數,利用集群分析方法,最後將所有樣本分為幾個運具選擇態度上有顯著差異的群組。接著,找出與最後樣本分群相關度最高的分群因子,作為實際在設計行銷對策時的依據。而根據以上方法,本研究最後得到的分群因子是旅次目的,也就是說,不同旅次目的的旅客其運具選擇的態度差異較為明顯。 得到旅客分群的結果之後,再利用問卷上關於競爭對手、旅運行為等等相關資訊,描繪出完整的週休二日旅運模型與運具競爭市場情況,作為在『市場區隔』為基本策略下,設計行銷對策時的研擬依據。研究的結果顯示旅次目的為返鄉的旅客是台鐵主要的潛在市場;另外,透過一些策略聯盟、加強服務的行銷方法,台鐵仍可以吸引部份的遊憩與商務旅客;而休閒旅次常是其它旅次的附屬旅次,亦可以用配套的行銷策略加以吸引。 本研究主要提供了一套以運具選擇態度為分析因子的運輸市場區隔方法,並捕捉週休二日的旅次鏈行為與競爭對手資訊,描繪出不同旅次目的週末旅運模型,作為不同運輸工具在競爭市場中的市場資訊。 Abstract Taiwan started to implement "Two-day weekend" since January 1 , 1998. It has brought a great impact on the weekend trip patterns and the transportation competitive market , which , unfortunately , haven*t been carefully and skillfully examined . Therefore , this thesis is undertook on the purpose of offering useful information to each competitive modal and related future study . Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA) , which has been the only rail company in Taiwan , seems not to draw enough marketing strategies in response to this new transportation demand.. Taiwan*s high speed railway (HSR) has been planning for several year. It is expected to start the HSR construction in the near future. Hence, TRA will be no longer a monopoly enterprise in the inter-city transportation market. Facing the competition of new transportation mode, it is still believed that TRA has its attributes that other modals can not replace. This thesis provides a logic method to study the trip chains in the two-day weekend, to understand the characteristics of long weekend travel demand , and to explore the marketing niche for Taiwan Railway Administration. A face-to-face survey was conducted to collect the required data and multivariate techniques are applied to analyze the relation between travelers* attitudes and mode choice behavior. Cooperating with the features of TRA , the results are used to draft the marketing strategies for TRA . The study results not only provide the insights into the weekend's travel behavior, but also offer the valuable information for TRA to improve her service. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/64272 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |