標題: 論定暫時狀態處分與企業專利策略運用
A Study of Preliminary Injunction and Enterprise Patent Strategy
作者: 陳怡靜
Chen, Yi-Ching
Chen, C. M. Andy
Liu, Shang-Jyh
關鍵字: 定暫時狀態處分;企業專利策略;專利佈局;Preliminary Injunction;Enterprise Patent Strategy;Patent Planning
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 在知識經濟的時代,企業的價值往往取決於智慧財產權,而專利權不僅是企業的重要資產,更是影響企業競爭成功與否的因素之一。本文主要從我國現行民事訴訟法假處分之保全程序與現行之智慧財產案件審理法等規定出發,比較美國法院關於臨時禁制令之核發、中國法院對訴前禁令的裁定等各相關規定,輔以法律經濟分析的方法來觀察定暫時狀態處分之效用。
In the knowledge economy, one of the values of enterprises derives from their intellectual property right. As a result, patents are not only the important assets to the enterprise, but also the crucial reason to enterprises’ competition. This thesis compares the provisional measure system of The Code of Civil Procedure and Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act in Republic of China with the same or similar measure of USA and People’s Republic of China. Consequently from the point of economic view, this essay will evaluate the use of the current preliminary injunction.
This thesis also adopts a qualitative research method and makes in-depth interview with the company which has filed preliminary injunctions against the competitors in Taiwan, to find out the company’s patent strategy, and try to figure out if the company will change the strategy in accordance with Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act. The research aims to provide enterprises with suggestions in formulating a patent strategy. With patent strategy model and processes, the thesis expects to raise the concerns of managers in the enterprise regarding the strategic importance of patents and the urgent need to formulate and implement a patent strategy.