標題: 捲帶式晶粒自動接合構裝製程的材料溫度分佈
Distribution of Material Temperature in the Tape-Automated-Bonding Packaging Process
作者: 李兆楨
Chao-Chen Lee
Dr. Ren-Haw Chen
關鍵字: 捲帶式晶粒自動外引腳接合技術;TAB OLB
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 捲帶式晶粒自動接合構裝製程即所謂的TAB(Tape Automated Bonding)製程,為現代電子構裝技術之一。此製程主要是以異方性導電膠作接合劑,並利用熱傳導方式將捲帶IC與顯示面板接合。在構裝製程中捲帶IC及面板氧化銦錫引腳間,因受熱導致對位變化的情形會影響顯示功能。 本文以ANSYS軟體進行TAB製程的溫度分析,並與實際接合過程中所量測得到的各部溫度變化情形做比較,探討了TAB構裝製程中,捲帶引腳與面板氧化銦錫隨時間及溫度變化,其對位精度所受的影響。研究結果顯示,當熱壓頭下壓開始後16~20秒內,構裝接合區域的各材料之溫度會上升達一穩定狀態,並呈曲線狀的溫度分佈;離開熱壓頭越遠,溫度越低,其分佈亦趨於平緩。根據此穩定狀態下的溫度分佈,並配合各材料的膨脹係數之差異,可以了解接合時對位精度下降的原因,並做為改善對位設計的依據。
Tape-automated-bonding (TAB) process is one of the modern assembly technologies of electronic display devices. In this process, anisotropic-conductive-film (ACF) glue is used and heated to cure so as to connect the panel lead and the tape-carrier-package (TCP) lead. However, pitch-matching accuracy between the panel lead and the TCP lead is greatly affected by the condition of temperature distributions in the materials in TAB process, which resulted in the success/failure and the quality of display function. In this thesis, temperature simulation of TAB process was conducted by using ANSYS software, and was compared with the temperature data measured in a practical TAB process. Effects of temperature variations of the panel lead and the TCP lead on the pitch-matching accuracy was investigated. The analysis results show that materials temperatures in the bonding area increase and the temperature distributions become a steady state within 16 to 20 seconds while the bonding area is being pressed by the hot punch. Both the material temperature and the decreasing rate of material temperature decrease with the increasing of distance from the punch. According to the temperature distribution under steady state and the difference of the coefficient of thermal expansion between various materials, the cause of the decrease of pitch-matching accuracy can be found. Moreover, the pitch design of both the panel lead and the TCP lead can also be approved.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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