标题: 利用射频溅镀系统制成碲化锰镉薄膜及其物理特性研究
Fabrication of the Cd1-xMnxTe Thin Films by R.F. Sputtering and Studies of its Physical Properties
作者: 陈添富
Tien-Fu Chen
Der-San Chuu
关键字: 碲化镉;碲化锰镉;X光绕射仪;光穿透光谱;拉曼光谱;Cd1-xMnxTe;R.F.Sputtering
公开日期: 1998
摘要: 本论文为利用双磁控溅镀枪射频溅镀系统在II-VI 族半导体碲化镉(CdTe)薄膜中掺杂具磁性之 "Mn"原子 , 使之成为稀磁性半导体(DMS)薄膜 , 并探讨其物理特性 .
首先在制程上 , 两支溅镀枪分别安装 "碲化镉" 及 "碲化锰" 靶材 , 藉由溅镀功率及镀膜压力大小来精确控制其掺杂锰离子的浓度 , 并透过镀膜时间、温度及原真空室内退火(in-situ post annealing)时间、温度来精确控制最佳镀膜参数 , 以便制成出具高方向性结构的薄膜 .
其次 , 在物理特性量测与分析上 , 利用X光绕射仪(XRD)来测得薄膜的晶体结构及其方向性 ; 利用能量散射分析仪 (EDAX)来分析薄膜成份 ; 利用场发射式扫瞄电子显微镜(FESEM)来获得薄膜晶粒大小与表面型态 ; 利用光穿透光谱(Transmission)量测来获得薄膜能隙Eg 的大小 ; 利用拉曼光谱量测来获得碲化锰镉薄膜的纵向与横向光支声子的振动模式 .
The diluted magnetic semiconductor Cd1-xMnxTe thin films were fabricated by R.F.Sputtering system. Its physical properties were studied in this thesis.
Firstly , we used dual gun sputtering deposition technique to fabricate the high oriented Cd1-xMnxTe thin films and adjusted the Mn concentration precisely by controlling the sputtering power and deposition pressure. We obtained the optimum temperature of deposition and the period of in-situ post annealing. Secondly , on characterizing the physical properties , the crystallinity , structure and orientation of these films the x-ray diffraction(XRD) is used.The compositions of the thin films were determined by the energy dispersive analysis of x-ray (EDAX). The surface morphology and grain sizes were obtained by a field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). The energy gap Eg of the thin films was estimated from the transmission spectrum. The LO and TO mode behaviors of the Cd1-xMnxTe thin films were investigated by micro Raman spectra for thin films with various Mn concentrations .