標題: 佇列管理模組之設計與實現
Design and Implementation of Queue Manager
作者: 楊金水
Jin-Shui Yang
Tsern-Huei Lee
關鍵字: 以太網路交換機;佇列管理;共享式記憶體架構;Ethernet Switch;Queue Manager;Shared Buffered Memory
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 近年來,由於網際網路使用者的暴增,以及日益成熟的多媒體技術,造成網路訊務量大幅增加。傳統路由器已面臨負載過重且功能不足的窘狀。我們設計了第三層交換路由器,具有解決目前網路上各種問題與需求的功能,諸如:第三層硬體路由技術、第四層防火牆功能、port trunking、群播處理以及八種優先權處理功能。 本論文即是論述本交換機的佇列管理模組部分,並比較各種交換機架構以及群播架構的優缺點。所設計之佇列管理模組架構適用於可變長度封包之乙太網路,並可應付網路上各種不合法封包的傳輸。本模組在設計上,採用共享式記憶體架構,可有效率地使用記憶體,且交換機的傳輸率可達100%。除了管理封包之儲存位址外,本模組還支援第三層繞徑處理以及群播功能。
Recently, the overall Internet traffic has increased rapidly because of the explosion of Internet users and the development of multimedia technology. The bottleneck of Internet is that the traditional router can’t suffer the increasing traffic load and its insufficient functions. We design a layer 3 switch router which can solve some problems in Internet. The switch router supports layer 3 routing by using designated chip、layer 4 firewall、port trunking、multicasting and eight priority of the traffic. The design and implementation of Queue Manager for our switch router is presented in this thesis. We also compare the advantages and disadvantages of different types of switches and different multicasting architectures in this thesis. The architecture of the Queue Manager is suitable for using in Ethernet and can handle the illegal packets. We design the Queue Manager by using shared buffer memory. This approach can make use of the memory efficiently and the throughput of the switch can achieve 100%. Queue Manager also supports multicasting and layer 3 routing.