标题: 镍基合金与烧附陶瓷技术的整合性制程研发
Integration Development of Nickel-based Alloy and Sintering Ceramics Technique
作者: 庄幸雄
Roger Chuang
Ray-Quen Hsu
Keng-Liang Ou
关键字: 假牙合金;阳极氧化;镍基合金;陶瓷烧结;denture alloy;anodization;nickel-based alloy;ceramic sintering
公开日期: 2005
摘要: 烤瓷牙是近几年才开展的一种高科技的镶牙方法,是在治疗的牙根上用高强度合金做成金属帽,在其表面烤上一层与天然牙色泽相近的瓷粉,最后粘结于牙齿上。制作烤瓷牙是个步骤繁多的工艺,极高温、铸造、粘结等技术结为一体的高科技产品。制作一个成功的合金瓷冠补缀物,美观及合金瓷层间坚强的结合力是牙医临床家与技工所追求的两大目标。成功的合金瓷冠补缀物取决于:□烧成温度的效果□合金与瓷层界面组织的结合相□合金的种类与特性,其中又以金属与瓷层的结合最为重要。
此实验以镍基合金为研究材料,基础合金中镍基合金因其价格低廉、抗腐蚀性佳、高强度及刚性、低密度等因素,对于取代价格昂贵的传统合金,镍铬合金是一良好替代物。为了使其瓷层与合金间有良好的结合力,将镍基合金以阳极氧化(anodization)的方式作为表面处理,阳极氧化处理主要为增加镍基合金之氧化层厚度与表面粗糙度,改善镍基合金与瓷层间之化学键结(Chemical Bonding)与机械键结(Mechanical Bonding),使瓷层不易崩溃,进而改善其耐用度。
Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crown (PFM) is a new high technique in denture teeth. It is a metal alloy and ceramics compound fixture, as formed by ceramic sintering. PFM is a complex and high technique. This fabrication includes many steps such as high temperature casting, sintering, and annealing adhesion. The key technique is the binding strength of alloy and ceramics. It is also the concern and purpose for doctors and engineers. The key to fabricate Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crown is related with sintering temperature, interface interaction of metal and ceramics, and alloy properties. Among these, the adhesion capability between alloys and ceramics is the most important factor.
In the development, nickel-based alloy will be used to fabricated PFM. Nickel-based alloy possesses low cost, well resistance to corrosion, high strength and rigidity, and low density, etc. It is cheap alloy and the best selection to replace the conventional alloys. In order to promote the binding capability of metal and ceramics, anodization treatment is performed on nickel-based alloys. Increasing the thickness of oxidation and surface roughness is to improve chemical and mechanical bonding. It is believed that thickness of oxidation and surface roughness are able to promote the adhesion properties of PSM.


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