DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorPei-Di Shenen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Pao-Long Changen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文是以資料品質為研究觀點探討終端使用者電腦化(end user computing, EUC)的管理;研究對象是以組織的EUC活動、資料/資訊品質和EUC增權化為主;研究的目的是探討以資料品質的管理策略解決EUC的問題與風險,並如何以持續不斷的改進與EUC增權化來提高資訊品質與顧客的滿意度;研究方法是以系統觀念之邏輯推理為主、個案研究為輔。研究結果是以觀念架構和研究命題的方式來呈現。 歸納研究的結論包含:(1)資料/資訊品質是決策制定時滿足內、外部顧客的重要資源;而隨著資訊科技(information technology, IT)的進步,EUC是組織未來的趨勢,且EUC必須以提供內部與外部顧客高資料品質的服務為目的。(2)資料品質的管理其內涵有資料的規劃與政策、資料資產與模式管理、資料與資訊鏈的配合、資訊鏈的管理與流程所有權的責任分配。(3)當個人或群體的EUC活動邁向公司整體的EUC活動時是為Corporate EUC的現象,它必須以IT與高品質的資訊為基礎,來增加組織的溝通效率、資訊及知識的分享。(4)實施資料品質的管理不但有助於Corporate EUC的推行,亦能提昇資訊的品質與改善作業流程的效率,強化顧客的滿意度。(5)因此,Corporate EUC的績效應以顧客滿意度的高低為依據;而顧客滿意度又與EUC增權化有關,因為EUC活動必須允許終端使用者決策的自主性。故資料品質的管理、EUC的活動與增權化在觀念上是必須整合的;亦即Corporate EUC必須與EUC增權化配合,使Corporate EUC的績效能夠發揮出來。(6)以資料品質的觀點管理EUC,強調資料品質、持續不斷改進的過程、增權化的觀念與顧客滿意度的提升,使EUC的問題與風險能夠降低。 最後,以論文的觀念架構(以資料品質的觀點管理EUC)為基礎,推導出四項研究命題,並以中國生產力中心(CPC)為個案研究的對象,論述研究命題。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis thesis investigates how to manage End User Computing (EUC) from a data quality perspective. The core of the research focuses on organizational EUC activity, data/ information quality, as well as EUC empowerment. The research objective is to study how data quality management strategies can solve data quality problems of EUC and address inherent risk; moreover, how to use continuous improvement and EUC empowerment to increase information quality and customer satisfaction. The research method primarily comes from a systems concept, with a supporting case study. The result is presented as a conceptual framework and research propositions. The conclusions drawn from the research include the following : (1) Data/information quality is essential to the decision-making process, affecting both internal and external customer satisfaction. In addition, as Information Technology (IT) continues to progress, EUC is an inevitable organizational future trend; moreover, EUC must meet the goal of satisfying internal and external customers' demand for high quality data. (2) Data quality management includes: data planning and policy, data assets and data model management, fit between data and information chain, information chain management and responsibility distribution in the EUC workflow. (3) When individual or group EUC activity turns into company-wide activity, known as Corporate EUC phenomenon, this must be based on IT and high quality information. Only in this way may organizational communication efficiency be increased, and information and knowledge sharing take place. (4) Implementation of data quality management is not only good for Corporate EUC promotion, but also can increase information quality, improve workflow efficiency and strengthen customer satisfaction. (5) Hence, the performance of Corporate EUC will be based on the level of customer satisfaction, which has been determined by empowered EUC. Therefore, EUC activity must integrate data quality management and EUC empowerment. In other words, Corporate EUC must integrate EUC empowerment in order to achieve its potential. (6) Managing EUC from the perspective of data quality can solve problems and risks associated with EUC, while emphasizing continuous improvement of data quality, employee involvement, top management commitment, effective feedback systems and EUC empowerment, improves communication efficiency, workflow and decision-making resulting in increased customer satisfaction. Finally, the conceptual framework proposed in the thesis is restated in four specific research propositions, which were refined in a case study on the China Productivity Center. Following analysis, the propositions were transformed into three hypotheses.en_US
dc.subjectEnd User Computingen_US
dc.subjectCorporate EUCen_US
dc.subjectData Qualityen_US
dc.subjectInformation Qualityen_US
dc.subjectEUC Empowermenten_US
dc.titleAn Exploratory Study of Managing End User Computing from a Data Quality Perspectiveen_US