標題: 道路工程級配回填之平板載重試驗與DCP試驗方式探討(以高鐵C220標為例)
Research on the embankment filling for the method of Plat load test and DCP test (Case by the contract C220 of the Taiwan High Speed Railway engineering)
作者: 褚佳宏
Chia-Hung Chu
Shih-Lin Hung
關鍵字: 平板載重試驗;DCP試驗;Plate loading test;DCP test
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 中 文 摘 要 近年來國內陸續推動重大交通運輸建設,在各工程興建的過程中,如能選擇適當、省時、有效率且能達到品質檢驗目的的試驗方式,對工程進度來說有絕對正面的幫助,因此尋求加速施工檢驗的過程,在有限工期內如期如質完成一件工程,為本文主要研究之動機。 在案例中,級配回填完成後若直接進行平板載重試驗,其合格率偏低。經由加入自主的DCP試驗先行確認後再進行平板載重試驗,其合格率將大大提高,藉以加速檢驗流程進而節省時間及成本。 本文針對DCP試驗與平板載重試驗進行分析,得到DCP試驗的優點與適用之處,進而肯定DCP試驗工法,最後建議修訂各工程施工規範,將DCP試驗納入檢驗工法,提供給工程界另一項選擇。
Abstract Recently, the domestic constructions have continuously promoted in Taiwan, especially in transportation constructions. During each engineering construction process, selecting an efficient and suitable testing method to maintain construction quality is essential and also provides positive assistance to the construction progress. Therefore, finding a way to speed up the test process and to achieve the project within the time schedule has become an important research topic as well as the aim of this study. For instance, after the base grade has been backfilled and the plat load test has immediately carried out, the testing success rate is low. Herein, the DCP test is employed prior to the plate loading test. The statistic results revealed that the success rate has been drastically improved. Hence, with the DCP test prior to plate load test, the testing process of embankment filling of road construction will speed up and lead to time efficient and cost benefit. This study aimed at the analysis of the time spend and cost saving for DCP test and Plate loading test. The study results reveal that the DCP test is cheaper and less testing time than the plate load test. Also, combining the DCP and plate load test may increase the testing success rate from 20% to 90%. Finally, it suggests accepting the engineering construction standard to include the DCP test as one of the embankment filling test methods.


  1. 051201.pdf

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