Title: | 大台北地區健康俱樂部顧客滿意度、忠誠度以及滿意構面重視度之研究 The Study on Customer Satisfaction、Loyalty and Importance of Satisfaction Dimensions about Health Club in Taipei Metropolis |
Authors: | 江盈如 Yin-Ju Chiang 丁 承 陳光華 Cheng George Ding Quang-Hua Chen 經營管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 健康俱樂部;滿意度;忠誠度;重視度;Health Club;Satisfaction;Loyalty;Importance |
Issue Date: | 1998 |
Abstract: | 國內具專業性質的運動休閒與體適能企業(健康俱樂部)興起,市場需求亦趨熱絡,以招收會員為主要收入來源的健康俱樂部,已面臨市場日益競爭的局面,如何與顧客建立良好的長期關係,是值得研究的課題。本研究旨在探討健康俱樂部產業滿意構面之顧客滿意度與重視度,以及滿意度與忠誠度之關係,以大台北地區專業健康俱樂部、社區附設休閒中心、大飯店內附設健身俱樂部、商業聯誼社附設健康俱樂部、學校附設健身體適能中心及多功能休閒俱樂部等六種健康俱樂部為研究對象。 依文獻探討,並配合實務深度訪談,本研究將健康俱樂部滿意構面歸為「服務人員」、「便利性」、「實體設備與氣氛」、「制度」、「售後服務」及「企業形象」等六項,共包括32個衡量項目。在健康俱樂部業者之配合下,針對健康俱樂部之顧客採隨機抽樣方式進行問卷調查,所得資料之信度皆達可接受的標準。在資料分析方面採用多變量變異數分析(MANOVA)、重複測度分析(repeated measure analysis)、Bonferroni多重比較、重要性-績效分析(importance-performance analysis)及迴歸分析(regressional analysis)等方法,分析結果顯示: 一、 顧客對健康俱樂部滿意構面之重要性與滿意度認知,在健康俱樂部型態間有顯著差異。 二、 健康俱樂部各滿意構面的重要性與滿意度認知差異,會受健康俱樂部型態的影響。 三、 六種型態健康俱樂部會員,對各服務項目的認知情形,多集中於「優先改善區」,即顧客之重要性認知大部 分要比其滿意度認知來得高。 四、顧客滿意度與忠誠度間之關係,會因健康俱樂部型態而有所差別。除學校附設健身體適能中心未呈顯著關係 外,其餘五種型態健康俱樂部顧客滿意度與忠誠度間的關係皆呈正向顯著。本研究進一步配合人口統計特性 ,對該五種型態俱樂部之顧客進行區隔定位。 The leisure and fitness business has grown and boomed in Taiwan, and their main revenue takes from members have met competition. So how to build the good relationship with customer is the key issue worthwhile researching. The purpose of the research, aimed at customers in six types of health club in Taipei Metropolis, is to explore the implication among customer satisfaction、customer loyalty and Importance on six types of health club such as professional health club、 relax center in community、health club in hotel、international leisure club、fitness in school and resort etc. Satisfaction dimensions of Health club summed up 「service staff」、「convenience」、「facilities and atmosphere」、「organization」、「after-sale service」and 「corporate image」 included 32 items by reviewing relative literatures and dicussing with the management in theis industry. The study is aimed at customers in Taipei city & county, from which samples were drawn by questionnaire, and the resulting data were analyzed by statistical approaches including MANOVA、repeated measure analysis、Bonferroni multi-comparation、importance-performance analysis and regressional analysis. The conclusions and results of analysis are reached as follows: 1.A significant difference between perceived importance and satisfaction to satisfaction dimensions in different types of Health club. 2.Perceived importance and satisfaction to satisfaction dimensions are influenced by the types of Health club. 3.Most customers of six types of health club members toward the services attributes, is clusterid in 「Concentrate Here」, means the importance that customers perceived is higher than satisfaction. 4.The relationship between Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is influenced by the types of health club. Except the fitness in school, positive corelation was found between the customers and loyalty in other five types of health club. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/64637 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |