標題: 企業國際經營策略與組織結構配合對經營績效影響之研究-以台灣資訊電子產業為例
Effect of the Fitness between Corporate Internationalization Strategy and Organizational Structure on Performance- Taking Taiwan's Communications and Electronics Industries as Examples
作者: 嚴寶華
Pao-Hwa Yen
Dr. Chyan Yang
Dr. Yau-De Wang
關鍵字: 國際經營策略;組織結構;經營績效;Internationalization Strategy;Organizational Structure;Performance
公開日期: 1998
摘要:   在即將邁入廿一世紀的今天,企業國際化、全球化已成為必然的趨勢。而多國籍企業管理除了分配整體資源、提升企業效率外,同時也要對散佈於世界各地的子公司作有效的管理。因此,多國籍企業的管理較一般企業管理更為複雜。台灣資訊電子產業走向國際化,近年來呈現快速成長,企業如何管理海外分支機構以提高經營績效,著實為當前實務界所需。本研究的目的在探討台灣企業進行國際化現況及其國際經營策略與母子企業間組織結構間的配合關係,同時檢驗國際經營策略與組織結構配適與否對經營績效的影響。 本研究以台灣資訊電子多國籍企業為樣本。嘗試以質化的個案訪談與量化的問卷調查二種研究方法,從縱斷面及橫斷面驗證研究假設。實證結果發現: 1. 企業在不同國際化階段,對採行整合/回應策略無顯著的影響。而企業國際經營策略與母子企業組織結構之間具 有關聯性,當企業為因應外在環境作策略改變時,組織結構需要配合調整才能顯現績效。 2. 至於國際經營策略與母子企業組織結構配合,對企業經營績效的影響。研究發現:當企業採取全球化策略,其 組織結構採高正式化、低集權化及高整合性程度時,經營績效較佳。當企業採跨國化策略,其組織結構採高正 式化及高整合性程度時,經營績效也會有較佳表現。故國際策略類型與組織結構配合程度對經營績效呈現正向 關係。同時也發現經營績效表現有時間遞延的現象。
                    ABSTRACT On the eve of the 21st century, the trend of corporate internationalization and globalization has become inevitable. Apart from allocating overall resources to enhance corporate efficiency, multinational corporations also need to manage subsidiary companies throughout the world. Therefore, the management of multinational corporations are far more complicated than the management of ordinary companies. Taiwan's communications and electronics industries have become more internationalized and have grown rapidly in recent years. How to manage overseas subsidiaries properly in order to improve their performance is one of the most pressing need faced by these companies. The purpose of this paper is to relationships between Taiwan's corporations stages of internationalization, their internationalization strategies and the organizational structures of governing the interactions between these corporations and their subsidiary companies. At the same, this study examines the effect of the fitness internationalization strategy and organizational structure on corporate performance as well. This study used the Taiwanese communications and electronics multinational corporations as subjects to test the hypotheses. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used in data collection. Quantitative data provided cross-sectional examination of the proposed the model. One the other hand, the qualitative data provided longitudinal examination of the model. The results of the study indicate that : 1. The stages of internationalization stages have no apparent effect on the integration/responsive internationalization strategy. However a relation does exist between corporate internationalization strategy and the organizational structure governing the interactions between a parent corporation and its subsidiary. When a corporation changes its business strategy due to external environment factors, organizational structure will also need to make correspinding adjustment in order to achieve better performance. 2. As for the effect of the fitness between the corporate internationalization strategy and parent/subsidiary corporate organizational structure on performance, this study found that when a corporation adopts globalization strategy, if its organizational structure incorporates a higher level of formalization and a higher degree of normative integration , the performance will be better. When a corporation adopts transnational strategy, if its organizational structure incorporates a higher level of formalization as well as a higher degree of normative integration, the performance become better too. Hence there is a positive effect the fitness between the types of internationalization strategy and the organizational structure, has on the performance. We also found that time-delays on the performance will sometimes exist .