標題: CMP研磨頭參數設計與模擬分析
Design and Analysis of Polishing Head
作者: 黃建勳
Chein-Shung Huang
Dr. Pi-Ying Cheng
關鍵字: 研磨頭;CMP
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 在深次微米半導體元件製作中,由於元件尺寸持續的縮減,微影曝光解析度相對增加,伴隨著曝光景深的縮減,對晶圓表面之高低起伏輪廓的容忍要求更為嚴苛,晶圓研磨頭的載具(Carrier)機構在進行晶圓平坦化製程時由於晶圓本身的厚度差異及彎曲度等,所造成晶圓研磨不均勻的現象一直是晶圓加工業所面臨的重要問題,該問題一般歸納的因素中研磨頭載具墊塊與晶圓間的背壓不足或不均是造成研磨不良的重要影響參數,針對上述的問題本研究將利用有限元素的方式來進行晶圓、載具墊塊與研磨墊之間的接觸壓力有限元素模擬分析,擬規劃進行實際晶片研磨實驗並搭配實驗所量測之數據作分析比對找出主要的參數的影響敏感度,建立一套分析模式以有效解決因為晶圓所受壓力分佈不均所造成研磨不均的問題,以提升晶圓的研磨品質與降低製程中產品不良率。 在理論分析模擬方面,依據CMP研磨頭機構與晶圓之間的作動關係,建立彼此間的接觸束制條件式,利用拉葛郎奇乘子分析模式(Lagrangian Multiplier)法則及最小總勢能(Minimun Total Potential Energy)之觀念,將推得系統間的有限元素法勢能平衡方程式。利用牛頓拉普遜(Newton Raphspon)數值積分析法與庫倫(Columb)摩擦定律加以判別接觸時的摩擦型態以利參數的設定,最後利用有限元素分析軟體求解晶圓與研磨墊之間的壓力分佈,並進行載具機構最佳化的設計、分析與改良,以提高晶圓研磨的均勻度與平坦度。
Although conventional technology of the chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) can process characteristics such as removal rate, non-uniformity, degree of planarization , and surface defects, they still fail to meet the flatness to upgrade and yield a planarized wafer with high global thickness uniformity due to the absence of initial dynamic process constraints involved. We summarize the development of FEM for CMP process and experimentally investigate the effects of back pressure conditioning on wafer and ring on pad. Calculations of pressure and pressure distribution across a 200mm wafer during CMP process were preformed in this study. This paper attempts to find the effects of CMP process control parameters.