Title: 靜水壓擠製設備控制系統之設計與製造
The Design and Development of a Hydrostatic Extrusion Machine with Control System
Authors: 謝弘柏
Hungpo Hsieh
Chinghau Hung
Keywords: 靜水壓擠製;背壓;壓力控制;Hydrostatic extrusion;back pressure;pressure control
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 靜水壓擠製係利用高壓之靜水壓將工件擠過模具成型,此製程有高擠製比,低缺陷成品之優點。一般而言,愈要求高成品品質產品(例如高溫超導線材)所需的擠製壓力愈高(可高至1.5GPa之壓力)然此類超高靜水壓設備之設計製造困難度與費用均高,國內設計此生產設備之經驗少之又少,目前,本實驗室已經初步完成超高壓擠製筒、高壓擠桿、高壓密封等靜水壓設備,並已完成初步擠製測試。 在實用之靜水壓擠製過程中,為精確的控制擠製速度及擠製壓力,以達成較佳之擠製成品,必需一背壓系統之配合;同時主壓力與背壓兩系統之協調,亦最好有微電腦系統配合轉換介面來加以控制。本研究的目的在完成此一包含背壓的控制系統,整合入已發展的靜水壓擠製設備,以建構一實用的靜水壓擠製機。
Hydrostatic extrusion is an extrusion process under which a high hydrostatic pressure is directly used to push the material through extrusion die. High extrusion ratio and high quality for products are two main advantages for this process. In general ,very high extrusion pressure(may reach 1.5 GPa)are usually required in a extrusion process for certain high quality products such as high temperature superconducting wires. Because this kind of ultrahigh hydrostatic extrusion apparatus is expansive and difficult to manufacture, there exists almost no experiences in designing and manufacturing this apparatus in Taiwan. Recently, We had finished the design and manufacture of ultrahigh hydrostatic extruder, high pressure plunger and high pressure seal of the hydrostatic extrusion apparatus . Preliminary extrusion tests had also been finished successfully. During the extrusion processes, we found that a system of backpressure control is essential to control extrusion speed and extrusion pressure correctly for a better quality of products. Also, computers are required in coordinating main pressure and backpressure. We propose to complete the whole control system with the backpressure control system in one year and combine it with our hydrostatic extrusion apparatus for a practical ultrahigh hydrostatic extrusion machine suitable for industrial purpose
Appears in Collections:Thesis