標題: 民間自行規劃參與公共建設之研究
A Study on a private institution applying for participating in an infrastructure project by its own
作者: 楊渝閔
關鍵字: 民間自行規劃參與公共建設;主辦機關審核民間自行規劃申請參與公共建設案件注意事項;a private institution applying for participating in an infrastructure project by its own;Guidelines for Evaluation of Unsolicited Proposals by the Arranging Authority
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 民國89年2月公佈實施「促進民間參與公共建設法」以來,以通案立法擴大民間參與公共建設之類型,從以公益性為主之社會勞工設施至商業性強之重大商業設施,藉由民間投資興建公共建設,引進企業經營理念以改善公共服務品質。依據促參法,促參案件可分為政府規劃及民間自行規劃二種,政府規劃大多由政府機關由先期規劃階段開始至公告招商階段,時程耗費許久,且可能未考量完整社經環境,往往流標數次,而民間自行規劃則是由民間企業考量參與公共建設商機後,自行向政府機關提出促參案件,政府機關從一開始就積極掌握了潛在投資人,故自規案件的發展面向,較一般政府規劃案件廣且難管理,且對政府機關而言,相關母法規定僅促參法46條,施行細則44至46條,為此行政院公共工程委員會九十一年三月一日訂定「主辦機關審核民間自行規劃申請參與公共建設案件注意事項」,促使各機關辦理自行規劃案件有所更近一步的依循。 本研究首先就聯合國及南非等已具促參推動經驗與成效之組織及國家,蒐集其民間自行規劃政策方向,探討及分析其民間自行規劃參與公共建設之優缺點,並透過國內案例分析,針對我國現況提出檢討,建議修訂母法及注意事項之方向;供工程會及各部會修正相關法令及主辦機關辦理個案時之參考依據,俾利政府推動更高品質的民間自行規劃參與公共建設業務。
It was many type of the Infrastructure Projects invest and manage by Private sector base on the Law for the Encouragement of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects. I was too complicate to get through the government plan case. And may fault by insufficient social and economic consideration. In the case of the unsolicited Proposals private sectors were submit the projects to the government directly. So it was more active than government plan case. But it was hard to manage unsolicited Proposals case for the public sector. The PCC make the Guidelines for Evaluation of Unsolicited Proposals by the Arranging Authority in 2002 in order to implement the mother law of the unsolicited Proposals case. In order to analysis the unsolicited Proposals in Taiwan case we collect data from the UN, South Africa. And try to get some useful information and policy. Furthermore, to revise the Guidelines for Evaluation of Unsolicited Proposals by the Arranging Authority to be more well manage from public and private sector.


  1. 052101.pdf
  2. 052102.pdf

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