Title: 利用雷射光解-共振螢光法測量氯原子與 HCFC-141b(CH3CFCl2)於室溫下(298K)之反應速率係數值
Measurement of the Rate Coefficient for the Reaction of Cl Atoms with CH3CFCl2 (HCFC-141b) at 298 K using Laser Photolysis-Resonance Fluorescence Method
Authors: 蔡王翔
W.S. Tsai
Dr. Niann S. Wang
Keywords: 反應速率係數;1.1-二氯-1-氟乙烷;氯原子;雷射光解-共振螢光法;氟氯烷141;Rate Coefficient;1,1-Dichloro-1-fluoroethane,HCFC-141b(CH3CFCl2);Cl Atoms;Laser Photolysis-Resonance Fluorescence;Freon 141
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 本研究利用雷射光解-共振螢光法測量氯原子與CH3CFCl2 (HCFC-141b)於室溫下(298K)之反應速率係數值。
Cl + CH3CFCl2 → HCl + CH2CFCl2
(1)CCl4 + hν(l93 nm) → Cl(2P) + CCl3 (1-19)
CCl4 + hν(l93 nm) → 2Cl(2P) + CCl2 (1-20)
(2)Cl2 + hν(355 nm) → 2Cl(2P3/2) (1-21)
結果顯示以光解Cl2製造Cl較適用於此動力學之研究。在反應壓力為45torr時得到反應(1-19)之kⅡ= (5.12─6.07) ╳lO-14 cm3 molecule-1 s-1。我們發現光解雷射能量 (1.1─18.6 mJ/cm2)對實驗結果並不會影響。
當[Cl]增至1╳1013 molecule cm-3, Cl則有再生現象。
The absolute rate coefficient for the reaction of Cl atoms with CH3CFCl2 (HCFC-l41b) has been determined using laser photolysis-resonance fluorescence technique at 298 K and 45 torr.
Cl + CH3CFCl2 → HCl + CH2CFCl2 (1-19)
Two Cl radicals source reactions were tested,
(1)CCl4 + hν(l93 nm) → Cl(2P) + CCl3
CCl4 + hν(l93 nm) → 2Cl(2P) + CCl2 (1-20)
(2)Cl2 + hν(355 nm) → 2Cl(2P3/2) (1-21)
Cl2 was found to be a better precursor for the rate coefficient measurements. We obtained a second-order rate coefficient :
kⅡ=(5.12─6.07) ╳lO-14 cm3 molecule-1 s-1.The energy of photolysis laser (1.1─18.6 mJ/cm2) did not affect the measured rate coefficient.
When [Cl] was higher than 1 ╳1013 molecule cm-3, Cl regenerations were observed .
Appears in Collections:Thesis