標題: 台北終端管制區國際線離/到場航空器垂直飛航軌跡之探討
The Study of Departure/Arrival Vertical Trajectory for International Flights within Taipei TMA
作者: 董吉利
Chi-Li Tung
Jinn-Tsai Wong
關鍵字: 飛航軌跡;飛航管制;台北終端管制區;航空器基礎資料;爬升率;下降率;flight trajectory;air traffic control;taipei TMA;BADA;climb rate;descend rate
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 我國交通部民用航空局自民國九十一年起,分階段進行「台北飛航情報區通信、導航、監視/飛航管理(CNS/ATM)建置計畫」,該計畫除了進行下一代先進航管自動化系統的建置外,亦將對現行空域進行重整與規劃,儀器飛航程序及航管作業也將面臨調整改變。然而,空域及儀器飛航程序的調整或重新規劃,主要的目的在於增加空域使用效益及提升飛航安全,而空域及儀器飛航程序如何調整及調整後是否能獲得效益增加及安全提升等效果,則缺乏專門工具予以預測評估。再者,長久以來,我國的飛航管制環境除了既有的飛航管制程序及儀器飛航程序等規範外,極其仰賴航管人員的經驗判斷,同樣地缺乏適當的決策支援工具(DSP)。 如果想要發展空域效益的評估工具及航管適當的決策支援工具,前提必須建立在能夠準確的模擬及預估航空器飛航軌跡的基礎上。因此,本研究之目的在於運用Eurocontrol的BADA建立主要飛航中正國際機場各種機型之飛航軌跡與變異範圍,並藉由航管單位雷達系統處理實際航機狀況資料紀錄分析整理後驗證其符合我國之飛航環境使用,以供未來據以發展儀器飛航程序調整及飛航管制策略應用之模擬模式基礎。 為了瞭解影響航空器飛航軌跡之因素,本研究先對台北終端管制區內之空域結構、中正機場儀器飛航程序、航空器隔離標準、飛航管制作業與駕駛員操作特性與限制進行充分探討說明,繼而於研究過程中確認各個因素對飛航軌跡的影響。 藉由取得歐洲航管實驗中心(EEC)發展的「航空器基礎資料 (BADA, Base of Aircraft Data)」,以BADA的飛航軌跡全能量模式及參數求算飛航中正機場的主要十種機型的垂直飛航軌跡、爬升下降率、油耗情形,再以實際航管自動化系統雷達資料紀錄分析驗證BADA所求算的離場爬升飛航軌跡符合本區的飛航情形,並對BADA所求算到場下降飛航軌跡與實際資料分析結果的差異提出說明。 另外,為了與BADA所求算之結果進行驗證比較,本研究亦對我國終端航管自動化系統所紀錄之資料進行探討與分析,有系統地整理出飛航中正機場主要十種機型的實際垂直飛航軌跡與爬升下降率的情形。 未來,包括空域效益評估工具、儀器飛航程序設計、飛航管制、流量管理決策支援系統(DST)的設計,或航管雷達訓練模擬機的程式撰寫,都可以以本研究為基礎。不論是運用BADA的模式與參數,亦或是實際雷達資料紀錄分析的結果,相信都可以更準確的模擬出符合台北終端管制區的飛航情形,提供正確的決策資訊與良好的訓練成效。
Starting from 2002, the Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA), Taiwan, has set up the implementation plan for establishing the CNS/ATM (Communication, Navigation, Surveillance /Air Traffic Management System) in Taipei Flight Information Region. Not only to build up the advanced Air Traffic Control Automation System for next generation, the CNS/ATM Implementation Plan will also reconstruct the airspace and air routes which are currently in use. Therefore, Air Traffic Control operations shall be changed in the future accordingly. However, the main goal of changing airspace, air routes, and ATC operations is to bring the benefit of safety and efficiency, but we are lack of suitable tools to perform analysis and evaluation. In addition, for a long time, our Air Traffic Control environment heavily relies on human experience for decision making, extremely short of Decision Support Tools (DST). To develop the efficiency evaluation or DST tools, the ability of accurately predicting and simulating flight trajectories is the basis. The purpose of this study is to apply the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) released by Eurocontrol to generate the simulated vertical trajectories, rate of climb and descent, as well as fuel consumption and their variance ranges of major aircraft types which are operating within Taipei Terminal Control Area. Furthermore, this study collects and analyzes the RADAR data records from Air Traffic Control Automation system of Taipei Approach Control Facility to validate and compare with the trajectories generated by BADA. Also, an in-depth survey of Air Traffic Control and pilots’ operations and restrictions contributing to aircraft vertical trajectory is performed in this study. Using this study as a foundation, the development of efficiency evaluation tools, DST tools, or even ATC simulators, can be designed by applying either BADA or real analyzed RADAR data records in the future. It is believed that these tools will provide more precise information as well as better support to our Air Traffic Control and civil aeronautical environment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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