Title: 管絃樂曲《蝶戀花》及其創作理念
Butterflies Lingering over Flowers for Soprano and Orchestra
Authors: 林岑陵
Lin , Tsen-Ling
Lee , Tzyy-sheng
Keywords: 空間;Space
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 本論文包括兩個部分:一部份為管絃樂曲 《蝶戀花》 ,另一部份為說明此曲創作理念與設計之文字敘述。 《蝶戀花》 是一首為女高音與管絃樂團而創作的管絃樂作品,為單一樂章形式,歌詞選自北宋詩人歐陽修的作品 《蝶戀花》 ,因而命名之。此曲試圖以聲音表達詩中呈現的孤愁感,抒發對詩中意境的想像與詮釋。 文字的敘述將探討:一、詩詞意境中的「蒙太奇」空間意象。二、如何以「蒙太奇」空間意象,作為整首曲子在音響、音色、織度上的應用。
This thesis is composed of two major parts.The First part is the orchestra composition "Butterflies Lingering over Flowers" . The other one is the literal statement about the original ideas conveyed in the piece and the design of it . "Butterflies Lingering over Flowers" is an orchestra composition with single , continuous movement for soprano and orchestra . The texts were excerpted from an ancient Chinese poem written by Ou-yang Xiu during the NorhernSong Dynasty(960 ~1127) . The poem was entitled '' Butterflies Lingering over Flowers '' and after which thus was the Composition named . In the composition , the composer tried to present the solitude in the poem and to express his imaginary interpretation of it . In the literal statement , the composer tired to discuss the following two topics : a . The "montage" dimentional imagery in the poem . b. How does the "montage" dimentional imagery influence the design of the sound , tone color and texture of the piece ?
Appears in Collections:Thesis