Title: 基於ISC3與MESOPUFFII之工業區空氣品質監測站網優選差異性分析
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network Optimization based on ISC3 vs. MESOPUFFII for an Industrial District
Authors: 莫冬立
Tung-Li Mo
Jehng-Jung Kao
Keywords: ISC3;MESOPUFFII;多目標優選;ISC3;MESOPUFFII;mulitobjective optimization
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 利用空氣品質模式模擬工業區及其鄰近地區之污染物濃度的時空變化情形,是規劃工業區空氣品質監測站網的重要依據。一般而言,國內所使用的空氣品質模式多半採用美國環保署SCRAM (Support Center for Regulatory Air Model)所建議的模式,然而對單一污染物,可用來模擬的空氣品質模式不只一種,因此若以不同空氣品質模式來模擬時空變化,其模擬結果的差異性將可能影響監測站網規劃分析的結果。本研究選用同為高斯型擴散模式之ISC3及MESOPUFFⅡ兩種模式,以頭份工業區及其鄰近地區為案例區,模擬1997年全年逐時SO2的時空變化情形,比較討論兩種空氣品質模式模擬結果的差異,並以偵測頻率最高、偵測累積濃度最大、受工業區外影響最小、監測站網總監測面積最大及保護人口最多等五項目標作為工業區空氣品質監測站網多目標分析的準則,以兩種模式模擬結果分別作為監測站網多目標優選模式之依據,比較並討論其優選結果的差異性。結果顯示,MESOPUFFⅡ之模擬結果在分布與ISC3不同。基於ISC3的優選結果在考慮偵測頻率最高vs. 受工業區外影響最小與偵測累積濃度最大 vs. 受工業區外影響最小此兩兩目標時,其目標間的衝突性較高。
The design of an ambient air quality monitoring network for an industrial district (AQMN-ID) is typically based on the spatial and temporal concentration distribution of pollutants simulated by an air quality model. Models suggested by US. EPA SCRAM (Support Center for Regulatory Air Model) are generally applied. However, for a single air pollutant, there exist more than one model applicable to do the simulation tasks. Different models may give different results; thereby AQMN-IDs designed by different results would not be the same. In this work, ISC3 and MESOPUFFⅡ models were used to simulate the hourly spatial and temporal distribution of SO2 concentration for the Toufen industrial district. Results simulated by both models are compared and discussed. A multiobjective optimization model with five major objectives of maximum detection, maximum dosage, minimal influence from pollutant sources outside the industrial district, maximum coverage, and maximum population protection were used to evaluate and determine candidate AQMN-IDs. Comparison and discussion of varied AQMN-IDs designed based on different models and objectives were provided. According to the results, the spatial concentration distribution simulated by MESOPUFF II is different from that simulated by ISC3. For AQMN-IDs obtained based on ISC3 results, significant conflict exists among the objectives of maximum detection or maximum coverage and minimal influence from pollutant sources outside the industrial district.
Appears in Collections:Thesis