Title: 非線性材料鈦酸鍶鋇之光學性質研究
The optical proties of nonlinear material Ba^xSr^1-xTiO3
Authors: 陳文焜
Wen-Feng Hsieh
Keywords: 鈦酸鍶鋇;有效倍頻係數;相轉變;折射率;晶格常數;溶膠─凝膠法;正方晶相;同調長度因子;BST;effective second harmornic generation coefficients;phase transition;refractive index;lattice constant;sol-gel method;tetragonal structure;coherence length factor
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 本文主旨在研究鈦酸鍶鋇的光學特性,利用溶膠-凝膠方法製備一系列不同成分比例的鈦酸鍶鋇(BST)粉末材料,經由x-光繞射數據計算其晶格常數,以橢圓儀量測折射率和改良式Kurtz粉末二倍頻量測有效倍頻係數,並且與理論值結果比較。經由有效倍頻係數的量測,我們可以說明在室溫時,不同成份的BaxSr1-xTiO3(BST),在x為0.7∼0.8之間,會發生結構的相變,使其由對稱的立方晶相轉變為非對稱的正方晶相,造成z軸晶格常數變量( )、有效倍頻係數(deff)、同調長度( )和倍頻強度(I2w)有明顯的改變,此與X-ray繞射計算結果預測相符。此外,當x≧0.8時,具有非對稱的正方結構,因此有較高的的有效倍頻係數(≧4.8),為良好的非線性光學材料。
The objective of this thesis is to study the optical properties of various ratios of Ba/(Ba+Sr) BaxSr1-xTiO3 (BST) powders. The BST powders were prepared by the sol-gel method. Their lattice constant were calculated from x-ray diffraction analysis data, and the refractive index were measured by the ellipsometer . By using the modified Kurtz method to measure the effective second harmonic generation coefficients of powder materials, and together with x-ray data ,we find that BST microcrystalls have structural phase transition at room temperature when x is from 0.7 to 0.8. The structural change from centrosymmetric cubic phase to non-centrosymmetric tetragonal phase due to increasing lattice constant along z-axis, leads to the abrupt change of the effective second harmonic generation coefficients, coherence length factor and second harmonic generation intensity. The results agree well with the x-ray diffraction calculation. Furthermore, the experimental results show that the BST is a good nonlinear optical material whose effective second harmonic generation coefficients is larger 4.8 times larger than that of BBO when the Ba composition is greater than 0.8.
Appears in Collections:Thesis