標題: 近場與遠場二倍頻顯微鏡的研究與應用
Study and Application of Near and Far- Field Sec ond Harmonic
作者: 陳顯旻
Hsien-Min Chen
S.C. Wang
C.Y. Huang
關鍵字: 近場;遠場;二倍頻;顯微鏡;near field;far field;second harmonic generation;microscope
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 近場與遠場二倍頻量測系統之研究 研究生: 陳顯旻 指導老師: 王興宗 教授 黃中垚 教授 摘要 由於傳統量測二倍頻訊號的方法是利用光耦合元件或光電倍增管直接做二倍頻影像的截取,在量測遠場影像的結果中,解析度會受波長的影響,且無法同時量測物體表面影像,為了改進這些問題,我們將高空間與光學解析度的近場顯微鏡與可測低信號的光子計數器整合,希望能在高光學解析度下同時量測出二倍頻影像與表面圖進而分析表面與二倍頻信號的關係。 在系統建立中我們先對光子計數器做校正與量測,將鈦藍寶石雷射激發石英與氮化鎵,由於倍頻信號與激發光能量平方成正比所以我們量測石英與氮化鎵輸入能量和二倍頻光子數的關係,也如理論結果證明量測到是倍頻訊號,在對氮化鎵做面積的掃描時發現有大小不同與明暗不同的區塊,同一物體中在不同偏振下會發光區域相關與發光區域無關的情形,在相關的情形中有可能是晶軸方向與不同偏振方向皆成同一角度而折射率或厚度造成信號強度的差異,在無關的情形中可能晶軸折射率或厚度皆有可能造成信號的改變。 近場光學顯微鏡與光子計數器結合後我們先對0.8微米單模光纖做量測;在量測的結果中在近場的情況下光點直徑約7.505微米與先前的鎖相放大器量測的結果相近,但在信號與雜訊比已由原先的200提升至650,證明此系統可正常運作。在近場的倍頻量測中我們做了4mm的BBO非線性晶體,非線性晶體產生倍頻信號的強度與晶體的 厚度有關,在量測的結果中我們發現在不同區域有不同強度的倍頻影像,而這有可能是因為厚度不同所造成,在近場光學顯微鏡與光子計數的結合中已可量測光電元件,而在二倍頻信號的量測已有初步的結果。
Study and Application of Near and Far-Field Second Harmonic Microscope Student : Hsien-Min Chen Adviser : Prof. C. C. Wang Prof. J. Y. Huang Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering National Chiao Tung University ABSTRACT In this thesis, we have constructed a photo counting system to investigate lower optical signal, and combined photo counting system with near-field scanning optical microscope (NSOM) for research near-field second harmonic images. In far-field, we have used photo counting system to set up a scanning second harmonic microscope. In this system, we investigated GaN and fined some cubic and hexagonal second harmonic images which are different size and brightness. In another system, we combined charge coupled devices with optical microscope. We can use this system to take optical images and different polarization of second harmonic images at the same position. The different positions of GaN induced different situations of second harmonic images which are classified by polarization. In near-field, we used near-field scanning second harmonic microscope to investigate high efficiency of nonlinear crystal (BBO). Simultaneous measurement of the topographic map and second harmonic image allow us to understand the relation between the bright areas and thickness.