標題: 高溫高壓蒸氣養護TAICON對鋼筋握裹力影響之研究
The Study of the Bond Strength of TAICON with High-Temperature & High-Pressure Steam Curing
作者: 陳良博
Liang-Bor Chen
Yaw-Nan Peng
關鍵字: 握裹力;蒸氣養護;粘結力;bond;steam curing;adhesion;TAICON
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 研究之目的在於探討高溫高壓蒸氣養護的方式,對於鋼筋混凝土握裹強度的影響,以期能夠對蒸氣養護有更通盤的了解,這將使鋼筋混凝土預鑄構件的養護方式,有了更具效率且多元化的選擇。 經本研究結果顯示,高溫高壓蒸氣養護的方式,對於鋼筋混凝土的握裹強度、混凝土的抗壓強度與劈裂強度都有顯著的提昇,且本試驗結果與O.J.B.握裹力預測式之趨勢相當,但試驗值卻高出預測值許多,更在經高溫高壓蒸氣養護過後,觀察鋼筋與混凝土的接觸面情形發現,鋼筋與混凝土之間的粘結強度亦有提高的現象。 經由對握裹介面混凝土的微觀,並沒有發現因鋼筋受熱膨脹所引起的裂縫,而且經高溫高壓蒸氣養護後,接觸面的混凝土結構亦明顯比一般養護組緻密。 經高溫高壓蒸氣催化過後,握裹強度平均提昇了27%,抗壓強度提昇了40%,劈裂強度提昇了37.5%,粘結力亦提昇了4.2%。
This study is to investigate the influence of bonding strength of reinforcement concrete with high-temperature and high-pressure curing in order to expect having more option of curing method of prestressed concrete members and advanced knowledge of steam curing, The test results show high-temperature and high-pressure curing improves the bonding strength of reinforcement concrete, compressive strength and splitting strength of concrete. The test results and O.J.B. formula of bonding strength have the similar trend, but the values of test are higher than the values calculated by O.J.B. formula. Besides, the cohesive strength between rebar and concrete also increases after high-temperature and high-pressure curing. By inspecting the interface of concrete with SEM, the microstructure of concrete with high-temperature and high-pressure curing is more denser than with ordinary curing and there is no crack found for concrete even if the rebar swelled owing to heating. The bonding strength of reinforcement concrete, compressive strength, splitting strength, and the cohesive strength increase 27%, 40%, 37.5% and 4.2%, respectively after high-temperature and high-pressure curing
Appears in Collections:Thesis