標題: 電腦輔助系統角色與解釋對歸納推理技能的影響
The Effects of the Role of Computer Support and the Explanation on Inductive Reasoning
作者: 吳庭瑜
Wu, Ting-Yu
Horng, Ruey-Yun
關鍵字: 歸納推理;電腦輔助學習;解釋;合作者;資料庫;Inductive Reasoning;Computer Support Learning;Explanation;Database;collaborator
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 歸納推理的困難之處包括了假設形成和假設驗證兩大部分,要有效的幫助人掌握正確的歸納推理方法,可以從1.) 透過作業環境的設計,讓人知道除自己的假設之外還有其他的可能假設,並提供實際的經驗以了解證偽策略的運用;或是2.) 改變人在進行歸納推理工作時的認知活動的特徵,兩個方向著手。在本研究中我們根據這兩個原則設計了資料庫與合作者兩種不同的電腦輔助系統,提供受試者在進行歸納推理時假設產生與假設測試兩種輔助,並透過電腦的提示要求受試者在歸納推理的過程中進行解釋的活動。結果發現,不管是資料庫或是合作者,在有輔助的時候,受試者的歸納推理的正確率都顯著的高於沒有輔助的時候。但就歸納推理技能的學習而言,資料庫的輔助方式可以提高受試者的正確率,相對的,對接受合作者輔助的受試者來說,一旦輔助不在時,其表現便與最初的基準點沒有差異。資料分析的結果也顯示,人在進行歸納推理工作時,主要的困難是來自於假設產生。另一方面,提示受試者進行解釋的活動,的確可以提升受試者的歸納推理表現,並對自己的表現有較準確的估計。根據研究的結果,我們對歸納推理的認知歷程提出一些解釋。
Difficulties in inductive reasoning are related to either hypothesis formation or hypothesis testing. To help people do inductive reasoning, we can either that 1.) design learning environment that suggests to the person there are more than one alternative hypothesis in the inductive reasoning task, and that demonstrates the benefit of testing falsifying instances;or 2.) manipulate an individual's cognitive activities while doing inductive reasoning. In this research, we compare the effects of two different computer support designs, database and collaborator, on inductive reasoning and their effects on hypothesis formation and hypothesis testing. We also evaluated the effects of prompting subjects to give explanation on inductive reasoning. The results showed that the major difficulty in inductive reasoning is in hypothesis formation. Furthermore, both the database and the collaborator support systems can lead to improve performance on inductive reasoning. However, after removing the computer support, only those subjects who studied under the database support system retain the improvement. The performance of those subjects under the collaborator support system drop to the baseline after removal of the system support. Prompted to give explanation in the learning phases also led to better inductive reasoning performance and more accurate estimation of their own performance. Implications of these findings on the cognitive process of inductive reasoning were discussed. 英文摘要 ii 誌 謝 iii 目 錄 iv 表目錄 v 圖目錄 vii 第一章 導論 1 第二章 文獻探討 10 第三章 方法 36 第四章 結果 52 第五章 結論與討論 85 參考文獻 101 附錄一 前、後測與合作者情境中學習環境之視窗介面 105 附錄二 資料庫情境中學習環境之視窗介面 109 附錄三 研究中所用的歸納推理作業 112 附錄四 對學習系統滿意度問卷 113 附錄五 合作者示範的假設檢定過程 115